​​Advanced Security Sensors and Delay​


Develop cost-effective, rapidly deployable detection and assessment technologies that could be applied to optimize security for nuclear utility sites. 

Leverage U.S. Department of Energy enabling sensor and delay technologies to integrate capabilities and improve security system effectiveness such as technical embroidery; sensors and textiles innovatively tailored for complex, high-efficiency detection – STITCHED, an emerging technology that can be used to attach wire, fiber optics and tubes to various substrate materials. 

This research explores and evaluates advances in sensor and delay (active and passive) technologies, including available commercial-off-the-shelf capabilities for use in nuclear utility security applications. Where commercial technology has not been developed to support nuclear utility security needs, research and development will be performed to develop needed sensor and delay technologies.


As the nuclear power plants modernize their infrastructure and control systems to move past their original operating licenses, this research aims to provide cost-effective, reliable solutions and technologies in sensing and delay to further optimize a sites physical security.​

Active radar (blue) ​​and thermal camera (yellow) sensor-fused through deliberate motion analytics​​
Active radar (blue) ​​and thermal camera (yellow) sensor-fused through deliberate motion analytics​​

Contact Information

Brent M. Pickrell

Physical Security Lead
Sandia National Laboratory