​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Dynamic Probabilistic Risk Assessment Research


To develop and demonstrate a dynamic probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) for use in nuclear plant safety analyses.

Dynamic PRA, like traditional PRA, evaluates risk, likelihood and consequences of accident scenarios. The major difference between dynamic and static PRA is that dynamic PRA can explicitly integrate time and physical phenomena into risk consideration while traditional PRA considers time only implicitly (e.g., via assumptions or success criteria).


Researchers will develop a flexible and comprehensive platform to handle applications of dynamic PRA. The platform will have robust properties and features, enabling it to obtain probabilistic results and gather dynamic benefits, such as timing and event sequences for specified simulated conditions. Software is developed by using an open standard for communication, which allows for coupling to other PRA (e.g., external hazard modeling), or physics-based (e.g., thermo-hydraulic analysis) software. The two main software tools used for dynamic PRA modeling are EMRALD (Event Modeling Risk Assessment using Linked Diagrams) and RAVEN (Risk Analysis in a Virtual ENvironment).

Planned major accomplishments​

Schematic showing the concept of a simulation-based risk assessment of various stages and transitions from stage to stage.
Schematic showing the concept of a simulation-based risk assessment of various stages and transitions from stage to stage.

Contact Information

Svetlana (Lana) Lawrence

Risk-Informed Systems Analysis (RISA) Pathway Lead
Idaho National Laboratory