​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Enhanced Fire Probabilistic Risk Assessment


To develop a software tool that enhances fire-modeling capabilities and streamlines and simplifies fire probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) model development and maintenance, significantly reducing human effort and errors. The software tool is called Fire Risk in 3D (FRI3D).


Researchers will develop a fire-modeling software that includes features such as fire-modeling from scratch, time- and space-dependent fire simulation, automated PRA workflow and a 3D view of fire-scenario progression.

The software will complement existing plant fire PRAs. It imports existing plant models and then combines the required tools and methods in a 3D environment. It is expected, based on a pilot project’s results, that FRI3D will reduce fire-modeling efforts by up to 50%, cut turnaround time by up to 50% and decrease user error by 90% or more. This tool will help with research and development of enhanced time-dependent methods to improve the realism of scenario modeling and reduce undue conservatism.

Planned major accomplishments​

Fri3d Software
FRI3D software with the scenario's simulation results on the left, showing the heat layers and only the source component failing (outlined in red).

Contact Information

Svetlana (Lana) Lawrence

Risk-Informed Systems Analysis (RISA) Pathway Lead
Idaho National Laboratory