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​Evaluation of Maturity Levels of Risk Assessment and Modeling Tools


Evaluate technical maturity of the modeling and simulation tools to be used in RISA Pathway project by using Technical Readiness Level (TRL) method. The project also identified technical gaps and needs to be developed for the tools. 


RISA pathway has broad range of modeling and simulation tools covering core design, fuel performance, system safety analysis, containment behavior, severe accident, material aging, natural hazards, probabilistic risk assessment, market economics and integration platforms. Since RISA pathway aims for industrial deployment of the technology, the tools need to be ready to use in highest technical maturity. The project focused on evaluating technical maturity by developing the requirement traceability matrix (RTM) and suggested importance by the phenomena identification and ranking technology (PIRT) than TRL was used to evaluate the tool maturity. Based on this research many of tools were updated and developed for specific use in RISA pathway.​ 

NASA Technology readiness levels m​eter
NASA Technology readiness levels m​eter

Contact Information

Svetlana (Lana) Lawrence

Phone: (214) 549-8291​