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​​​Vendor-Independent Design Requirements for a Boiling Water (BWR)
Reactor Safety System Upgrade​

Research attachments captured in this report include: 

  • A Plant Protection System (PPS) platform and application functional requirements baseline. The envisioned PPS design concept is a common, safety-related, replacement digital platform that implements the existing functions of first-echelon, safety-related BWR systems as applications
  • A non-safety related (NSR) platform requirements and application requirements baseline for a BWR anticipated transient without scram [ATWS] Mitigation System.  ATWS functionality as well as any necessary diverse actuation functionality to address PPS common cause failure is envisioned to be implemented using this NSR platform.
  • A License Amendment Request (LAR) Framework Document. This research provides a vendor-independent LAR Framework Document created in a format consistent with the DI&C-ISG-06, Revision 2 Alternate Review process. Informed by the functional requirements baselines, the LAR Framework Document provides notional architectures and design attributes directed toward an advanced new state.​​

The technical content of these lengthy attachments based on the Limerick Generating Station is summarized in report INL/EXT-20-61079 that also explains how they were developed.  This research product was produced by MPR Associates, Inc., in collaboration with Exelon and LWRS researchers.

​Please click here to access t​his report.

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