Vendor-Independent Design Requirements for a Boiling Water (BWR)
Reactor Safety System Upgrade
Research attachments captured in this report include:
- A Plant Protection System (PPS) platform and application functional requirements baseline. The envisioned PPS design concept is a common, safety-related, replacement digital platform that implements the existing functions of first-echelon, safety-related BWR systems as applications
- A non-safety related (NSR) platform requirements and application requirements baseline for a BWR anticipated transient without scram [ATWS] Mitigation System. ATWS functionality as well as any necessary diverse actuation functionality to address PPS common cause failure is envisioned to be implemented using this NSR platform.
- A License Amendment Request (LAR) Framework Document. This research provides a vendor-independent LAR Framework Document created in a format consistent with the DI&C-ISG-06, Revision 2 Alternate Review process. Informed by the functional requirements baselines, the LAR Framework Document provides notional architectures and design attributes directed toward an advanced new state.
The technical content of these lengthy attachments based on the Limerick Generating Station is summarized in report INL/EXT-20-61079 that also explains how they were developed. This research product was produced by MPR Associates, Inc., in collaboration with Exelon and LWRS researchers.
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