​​​Risk-Aligned Data-Driven Compliance Activities


To performance-inform the risk models of the plant to represent the most up-to-date, as-built, as-operated plant conditions to enable utilities to leverage plant-specific performance data to inform their risk models for compliance. 


The nuclear power industry is currently rich with operational and events data that describe the utilities performance, but it is often not used in updating the plant risk model. By using this readily available information, it is possible to alleviate some of the burden involved in tracking the risk metrics used in plant risk models. This information would also enable the plant to optimize the work process to prioritize and target events that could increase plant risk while relaxing some of the activities for non-critical equipment.

Planned Major Accomplishments​


None (reports are limited)

Contact Information

Svetlana (Lana) Lawrence

Risk-Informed Systems Analysis, Pathway
Lead Idaho National Laboratory