​​​​​​​Risk-Informed Physical Security


This research area aims to enhance, develop and demonstrate risk-informed technologies for physical security in nuclear power plants. It integrates dynamic risk methods, physics-based modeling and simulation, operator actions, and emergency response equipment, which could extend the adversarial timeline for response force success. This research explores the expansion of existing risk-informed methods for application to nuclear utility security. The risk tools will enable nuclear utilities to incorporate increased realism in their force-on-force models, take credit for operator actions and emergency response equipment, and move towards greater use of quantitative measures of performance within a site’s security posture, while providing a performance-based, risk-informed technical basis for physical security. 


This research will result in performance-based, risk-informed methods and tools that enable nuclear utilities to optimize their physical security posture, which remains as effective as it was before the adoption of the new methods and tools.

Planned Major Accomplishments​

Generic timeline for security-safety assessment considering emergency response equipment (FLEX - flexible mitigation capability) within a protective strategy

Contact Information

Brent M. Pickrell

Physical Security Lead
Sandia National Laboratory