​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Integrated Operation for Nuclear (ION)


Achieve light water reactor fleet electric market competitiveness by transforming the nuclear business model through a top-down, business-driven transformation process, achieved through three primary activities: 


Research is being conducted with owner-operators to develop and deploy an advanced concept of operations for nuclear power plants. It employs restructuring plant processes and existing technologies to reduce operating costs using advanced technologies and a more technology-enabled staff. Critical to this approach is advanced digital technologies. The adoption of an advanced concept of operations will enable us to restructure the nuclear power plant operating model, resulting in new and more efficient ways of working. This model, Integrated Operations for Nuclear (ION), uses plant-specific market analysis to identify goals for operation and management costs and a plant capacity factor needed for long-term commercial viability. A plant or organization-specific transformation strategy is developed to identify needed technology and process modifications, including goals for staffing and qualifications to achieve the targeted sustainability goals. Also provided are improved methods for achieving plant safety margins, reductions in unnecessary conservatism and approaches to best use expertise from across the nuclear enterprise. 

Planned major accomplishments​

​Integrated Operations for Nuclear (ION)​​
​Integrated Operations for Nuclear (ION)​​

Contact Information

Ahmad Al Rashdan

Plant Modernization, Pathway Lead
Idaho National Laboratory