Plant Modernization - Reports

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Digital Infrastructure Industry Engagement, INL/EXT-22-69268This report summarizes outreach efforts to both industry wide organizations and specific utilities. Industry organizations that were engaged including the Pressurized Water Reactor Owner’s Group, the Nuclear Information Technology Strategic Leadership group, and Light Water Reactor Sustainability Plant Modernization Pathway Stakeholders.Download01/04/2022
Digital Infrastructure Migration Framework, INL/EXT-21-64580This document provides a generic technology strategy and is presented from a technology platform point of view. Specific technologies and software applications are researched, developed, implemented, and then integrated in such a way as to optimize both the performance of the technology and the capabilities of users who leverage it. The ultimate objective is to enhance safety, reliability, and economic performance such that the result provides much more than the sum of its constituent parts.Download09/20/2021
​​​I&C Infrastructure Modernization Safety-Related I&C Pilot Upgrade Project at Limerick Generating Station (LGS)​​​I&C Infrastructure Modernization Safety-Related I&C Pilot Upgrade Project at Limerick Generating Station (LGS)Download09/20/2021
Safety-Related Instrumentation & Control Pilot Upgrade Initial Scoping Phase Implementation Report And Lessons Learned, INL/EXT-20-59809This LWRS Program research seeks to assist in breaking this impasse through the support of a SR I&C Pilot Upgrade Project. Exelon’s Limerick Generating Station, a BWR, has been selected as the target for this Project. This research report (1) describes the process followed and products developed during the SR I&C Pilot Project Initial Scoping Phase and (2) captures lessons learned.Download09/01/2020
Business Case Analysis for Digital Safety-Related Instrumentation & Control System Modernizations, INL/EXT-20-59371While regulatory advances have improved the environment for modernizing safety systems, the industry has remained reluctant to perform such I&C upgrades because of perceived regulatory risks associated with being the first adopter of the DI&C-ISG-06, Revision 2 process for a major critical safety system.Download08/01/2020
Vendor-Independent Design Requirements for a Boiling Water Reactor Safety System Upgrade, INL/EXT-20-61079The commercial nuclear sector faces unprecedented financial challenges driven by low natural gas prices and subsidized renewables in a marketplace that does not reward carbon-free baseload capacity. These circumstances, along with increasingly antiquated labor-centric operating models and analog technology, have forced the premature closure of multiple nuclear facilities and placed a much larger population of nuclear power stations at-risk.Download05/01/2020
Development of an Advanced Integrated Operations Concept for Hybrid Control Rooms, INL/EXT-20-57862This work describes the development of an integrated operations concept that draws together data from existing Instrumentation and Control (I&C) infrastructure, upgraded I&C systems, new sensors, and field technologies such as computer-based procedures to provide operators with centralized, streamlined instructions.Download03/01/2020
Addressing Nuclear I&C Modernization Through Application of Techniques Employed in Other Industries, INL/EXT-19-55799This research focuses on presenting advancements that have been made by non-nuclear I&C vendors and potential savings that could be realized by their optimized nuclear industry application. To promote understanding and to bound the initial scope for this effort, a pilot vendor and an associated pilot implementation were chosen as an integrated presentation example for illustration.Download09/01/2019
Developing a Strategy for Full Nuclear Plant Modernization, INL/EXT-18-51366In order to do this, a more unified strategy for full nuclear plant modernization needs to be developed. This report documents the latest step LWRS program researchers have taken to develop this strategy.Download08/01/2018
The Strategic Value of Human Factors Engineering in Control Room Modernization, INL/EXT-18-51365The methodology includes interactive sessions with operators in INL’s Human System Simulation Laboratory, three-dimensional modeling to visualize control board changes and operator-system interaction, and development of human-system prototypes to evaluate various aspects of proposed modifications.Download08/01/2018
Development and Evaluation of the Conceptual Design for a Liquid Radiological Waste System in an Advanced Hybrid Control Room, INL/EXT-18-51107The goal of the research is to provide an industry-wide approach and road map for effective modernization that not only addresses obsolescence but provides guidance for enhancing the economic viability of the existing fleet.Download08/01/2018
Planning and Analyses Performed to Install Halden’s Advanced Control Room Concept in the Human Systems Simulation Laboratory, INL/EXT-18-45966This report documents the planning and analyses performed to install an advanced control room concept in the HSSL. Future LWRS reports will document the process to configure the HSSL and install the generic Pressurized Water Reactor simulator model with an advanced HSI developed by the Institute for Energy Technology.Download07/29/2018
Strategy for Implementation of Safety-Related Digital I&C SystemsTwo new qualification methods are described that are recommended for further investigation. They are 1) Testability, and 2) Elimination of CCF triggers.Download06/01/2018
Connecting LWRS Human Factors Engineering R&D to NUREG-0711 Elements and Modification Activities in Nuclear Power PlantsThe content of NUREG-0711 Results Summary Reports is shared with U.S. nuclear power plants by LWRS Program through HFE technical reports to identify potential human engineering deficiencies with planned upgrades.Download05/01/2018
Migration of Older to New Digital Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plant Main Control RoomsThis report summarizes a plan for conducting a digital-to-digital migration of a legacy digital I&C system to a new digital I&C system in support of control room modernization activities.Download04/01/2016
Development of Improved Graphical Displays for an Advanced Outage Control Center, Employing Human Factors Principles for Outage Schedule ManagementNL is developing an AOCC that is specifically designed to maximize the usefulness of communication and collaboration technologies for outage coordination and problem resolution activities.Download09/01/2015
Verification and Validation of Digitally Upgraded Control RoomsThe report presents the Guideline for Operational Nuclear Usability and Knowledge Elicitation (GONUKE), an approach that focuses safety evaluation across design phases. Finally, we explore opportunities for future research on V&V.Download09/01/2015
HSI Prototypes for the Human Systems Simulation LaboratoryHSI Prototypes for the Human Systems Simulation Laboratory, INL/EXT-15-36839Download09/01/2015
Operator Performance Metrics for Control Room Modernization: A Practical Guide for Early Design Evaluation, R. Boring, J. Joe, T. Ulrich, and R. Lew, INL/EXT-14-31511 Revision 0, Idaho National Laboratory, March 2015.This report identifies the process and metrics for evaluating human system interfaces as part of control room modernization. The report includes background information on design and evaluation, a thorough discussion of human performance measures, and a practical example of how the process and metrics have been used as part of a turbine control system upgrade during the formative stages of design. The process and metrics are geared toward generalizability to other applications and serve as a template for utilities undertaking their own control room modernization activities.Download03/01/2015
Computer-Based Procedures for Field Activities: Results from Three Evaluations at Nuclear Power Plants, J. Oxstrand, K. Le Blanc, and A. Bly, Idaho National Laboratory, INL/EXT-14-33212 Rev. 0, September 2014.Computer-Based Procedures for Field Activities: Results from Three Evaluations at Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-14-33212, J. Oxstrand, K. Le Blanc, and A. Bly, Idaho National Laboratory, September 2014.Download09/01/2014
Human Factors Engineering Design Phase Report for Control Room Modernization, T. Ulrich, R. Boring, and R. Lew, Idaho National Laboratory, INL/EXT-14-33221, September 2014.Human Factors Engineering Design Phase Report for Control Room Modernization, T. Ulrich, R. Boring, and R. Lew, Idaho National Laboratory, INL/EXT-14-33221, September 2014.Download09/01/2014
Baseline Human Factors and Ergonomics in Support of Control Room Modernization at Nuclear Power Plants, R. Boring and J. Joe, Idaho National Laboratory, INL/EXT-14-33223, September 2014.Baseline Human Factors and Ergonomics in Support of Control Room Modernization at Nuclear Power Plants, R. Boring and J. Joe, Idaho National Laboratory, INL/EXT-14-33223, September 2014.Download09/01/2014
Strategy for Migration of Traditional to Hybrid Control Boards in a Nuclear Power PlantStrategy for Migration of Traditional to Hybrid Control Boards in a Nuclear Power Plant, INL/EXT-14-32534, R. Boring, J. Joe, T. Ulrich, July 2014.Download07/29/2014
Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program Operator Performance Metrics For Control Room Modernization: A Practical Guide For Early Design Evaluation , R. Boring, R. Lew, T. Ulrich, and J. Joe, INL/EXT-14-31511, March 2014.Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program Operator Performance Metrics For Control Room Modernization: A Practical Guide For Early Design Evaluation , R. Boring, R. Lew, T Ulrich, and J. Joe, INL/EXT-14-31511, March 2014.Download03/01/2014
Long-Term Instrumentation, Information, and Control Systems (II&C) Modernization Future Vision and Strategy, K. Thomas, B. Hallbert, Revision 3, INL/EXT-11-24154, November 2013.Long-Term Instrumentation, Information, and Control Systems (II&C) Modernization Future Vision and Strategy, K. Thomas, B. Hallbert, INL/EXT-11-24154, Revision 3, November 2013.Download11/01/2013
A Reference Plan for Control Room Modernization: Planning and Analysis Phase, J. Hugo, R. Boring, L. Hanes, and K. Thomas INL/EXT-13-30109, September 2013.A Reference Plan for Control Room Modernization: Planning and Analysis Phase, J. Hugo, R. Boring, L. Hanes, and K. Thomas INL/EXT-13-30109, September 2013.Download09/01/2013
Summary Report on Industrial and Regulatory Engagement Activities, K. Thomas, INL/EXT-12-27161, Revision 1, September 2013.Summary Report on Industrial and Regulatory Engagement Activities, K. Thomas, INL/EXT-12-27161, Rev. 1, September 2013.Download09/01/2013
Digital Full-Scope Simulation of a Conventional Nuclear Power Plant Control Room, Phase 2: Installation of a Reconfigurable Simulator to Support Nuclear Plant Sustainability, R. Boring, V. Agarwal, K. Fitzgerald, J. Hugo, B. Hallbert, INL/EXT-13-28432, ReDigital Full-Scope Simulation of a Conventional Nuclear Power Plant Control Room, Phase 2: Installation of a Reconfigurable Simulator to Support Nuclear Plant Sustainability, R. Boring, V. Agarwal, K. Fitzgerald, J. Hugo, B. Hallbert, INL/EXT-13-28432, March 2013.Download03/01/2013
Long-Term Instrumentation, Information, and Control Systems (II&C) Modernization Future Vision and Strategy, INL/EXT-11-24154Reliable instrumentation, information, and control (II&C) systems technologies are essential to ensuring safe and efficient operation of the U.S. light water reactor (LWR) fleet. These technologies affect every aspect of nuclear power plant (NPP) and balance-of-plant operations. They are varied and dispersed, encompassing systems from the main control room to primary systems and throughout the balance of the plant. They interact with every active component in the plant and serve as a kind of central nervous system.Download02/01/2013
Summary Report on Industrial and Regulatory Engagement Activities, K. Thomas, INL/MIS-12-27161, September 2012.Summary Report on Industrial and Regulatory Engagement Activities, K. Thomas, INL/MIS-12-27161, September 2012.Download05/01/2012
Long-Term Instrumentation, Information, and Control Systems (II&C) Modernization Future Vision and Strategy. K.D. Thomas and B.P. Hallbert, INL/EXT-11-24154, Rev. 1, February 2012.Long-Term Instrumentation, Information, and Control Systems (II&C) Modernization Future Vision and Strategy. K.D. Thomas and B.P. Halbert, INL/EXT-11-24154, Rev. 1, February 2012.Download02/01/2012
LWRS II&C Industry and Regulatory Engagement Activities for FY 2011. K. D. Thomas, INL/EXT-11-23451, September 2011.LWRS II&C Industry and Regulatory Engagement Activities for FY 2011, INL/EXT-11-23451, K. D. Thomas, September 2011.Download09/01/2011
Advanced Instrumentation, Information and Control System Technologies: Nondestructive Examination Technologies FY11 Report, PNNL-20671Advanced Instrumentation, Information and Control System Technologies: Nondestructive Examination Technologies FY11 Report, R. M. Meyer, P. Ramuhalli, J. B. Coble, L. J. Bond, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, PNNL-20671, August 2011.Download08/01/2011
Report from the Light Water Reactor Sustainability Workshop on Advanced Instrumentation, Information, and Control Systems and Human-System Interface Technologies, B.P. Hallbert, and J.J. Persensky, INL, C Smidts and T. Aldemir, OSU, and J. Naser, EPRI, INReport from the Light Water Reactor Sustainability Workshop on Advanced Instrumentation, Information, and Control Systems and Human-System Interface Technologies, INL/EXT-09-16631, B. Hallbert, J. Persensky, C Smidts, T. Aldemir, J. Naser, INL/EXT-09-16631, August 2009.Download08/01/2009
Mapping Data to Support Optimum Work Automation: The Socio-Technical-Organizational Modeling Process, INL/RPT-24-80094The research team performed a detailed analysis of a significant event at a commercial NPP and plotted the outcome of our analysis on the layered loop model to highlight the areas of weakness. Download08/01/2024

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Digitalization Guiding Principles and Method for Nuclear Industry Work Processes, INL/RPT-23-74429The LWRS Digitalization Project at INL seeks to leverage digital technologies to synthesize and transform work processes. We provide a state-of-the-art analysis of digitalized work processes in nuclear power and investigate ways in which researchers at INL and the nuclear industry can work together to identify what data to access, how to access it, what to do with the data, and most importantly, how to use the insights for decision-making across all levels within the business.Download09/21/2023
Mapping Data to Support Optimum Work Automation: The Socio-Technical-Organizational Modeling Process, INL/RPT-24-80094The research team performed a detailed analysis of a significant event at a commercial NPP and plotted the outcome of our analysis on the layered loop model to highlight the areas of weakness. Download08/31/2024
Optimizing Information Automation Using a New Method Based on System-Theoretic Process Analysis: Tool Development and Method Evaluation, INL/RPT-23-74217This report describes progress and findings for a program of research supporting the design and optimization of information automation systems for nuclear power plants (NPPs). Information automation is the customization and delivery of information for a work process, thereby providing users with intuitive, actionable information based on continuous measurements of plant performance.Download08/21/2023
Explainable Artificial Intelligence Technology for Predictive Maintenance, INL/RPT-23-74159In collaboration with Public Service Enterprise Group, Nuclear, LLC, completed development and demonstration of three aspects of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies: performance, explainability, and trustworthiness. The work focused on leveraging specific metrics, developing a user-centric visualization interface, and performing human-in-the-loop evaluations to build user confidence in adoption of AI and machine learning technologies for risk-informed predictive maintenance strategy.Download08/21/2023
Technical Specification Surveillance Interval Extension Using Self-Diagnostics, ORNL/TM-2023/3008This report presents an evaluation of different information and data made available by the utility partner for a digital I&C system since its implementation and describes an application of the proposed methodology. The methodology seeks to take advantage of the self-diagnostics and OLM capabilities to reduce risk or reduce the level of qualitative monitoring assessment needed to perform a risk-informed surveillance test interval extension using existing NRC approved guidance or both.Download08/16/2023
Optimizing Information Automation Using a New Method Based on  System-Theoretic Process Analysis, INL/RPT-23-73099This report describes the interim progress for research supporting the design and optimization of information automation systems for nuclear power plants. Much of the domestic nuclear fleet is currently focused on modernizing technologies and processes, including transitioning toward digitalization in the control room and elsewhere throughout the plant, along with a greater use of automation, artificial intelligence, robotics, and other emerging technologies.Download06/16/2023
Demonstration of the Human and Technology Integration Guidance for the Design of Plant-Specific Advanced Automation and Data Visualization Techniques, INL/RPT-23-71395This report presents interim findings of two key collaborations with United States utilities currently planning and executing large-scale digital instrumentation and control modifications to their main control rooms. While these collaborations are ongoing, this report presents lessons learned in the demonstration of the human and technology integration methodology.Download03/13/2023
A Novel Data Obfuscation Method to Share Nuclear Data for Machine Learning Application, INL/RPT-22-69871The nuclear power industry is data-rich and these data introduce a tremendous potential for automation and cost savings. On the other hand, research organizations, among other stakeholders, have very capable methods and solutions often developed using simulated or synthetic data due to the lack of real data. One cause of this disconnect is data privacy. Data privacy is of paramount importance in all industries, but especially the nuclear industry. This challenge motivated the data obfuscation method called deceptive infusion of data (DIOD).Download11/14/2022
Process Anomaly Detection for Sparsely Labeled Events in Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-21-64303, September 2021Process Anomaly Detection for Sparsely Labeled Events in Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-21-64303, J. Farber, A. Al Rashdan, H. Abdel-Khalik, Y. Li, M. Abdo, D. Mandelli, D. Huang, September 2021.Download09/30/2021
Machine Learning and Economic Models to Enable Risk-Informed Condition Based Maintenance of a Nuclear Plant Asset, INL/EXT-21-61984The R&D activities reported lay the foundation to develop and demonstrate a digital automated platform to centralize the implementation of condition monitoring. Development of fault signatures and ML diagnostic models will be extended to other CWP, CWP motor, and system-level faults in the future.Download03/26/2021
Concept for Integrated Multi-Modal Online Piping Monitoring System along with Data Fusion and Advanced Data Analytical Algorithms Using High- Resolution Fiber Optics Sensors, INL/EXT-20-59810Concept for Integrated Multi-Modal Online Piping Monitoring System along with Data Fusion and Advanced Data Analytical Algorithms Using High- Resolution Fiber Optics Sensors, INL/EXT-20-59810, A. Gribok, M. Wang, J. Wu, Q. Wang, A. Venketeswaran, K. Zhao, K. Chen, September 2020.Download09/17/2020
An Applied Strategy for Using Empirical and Hybrid Models in Online Monitoring, INL/EXT-20-59688An Applied Strategy for Using Empirical and Hybrid Models in Online Monitoring, INL/EXT-20-59688, A. Rashdan, H. Abdel-Khalik, K. Giraud, L. Griffel, D. Guillen, A. Varuttamaseni, September 2020.Download09/11/2020
Concrete Structure Health Monitoring Using Vibroacoustic Testing and Machine Learning, INL/EXT-20-59941Concrete Structure Health Monitoring Using Vibroacoustic Testing and Machine Learning, INL/EXT-20-59941, M. Miele, P. Karve, S. Mahadevan, V. Agarwal, September 2020.Download09/03/2020
Automating Fire Watch in Industrial Environments through Machine Learning-Enabled Visual Monitoring, INL/EXT-19-55703Automating Fire Watch in Industrial Environments through Machine Learning-Enabled Visual Monitoring, INL-EXT-19-55703, A. Rashdan, M. Griffel, L. Powell, September 2019.Download09/16/2019
Preliminary Results of a Bounded Exhaustive Testing Study for Software in Embedded Digital Devices in Nuclear Power Applications, INL/EXT-19-55606Preliminary Results of a Bounded Exhaustive Testing Study for Software in Embedded Digital Devices in Nuclear Power Applications, INL/EXT-19-55606, C. Elks, A. Jayakumar, A. Collins, R. Hite, T. Karles, C. Deloglos, B. Simmons, A. Tantawy, S. Gautham, September 2019.Download09/16/2019
Report for 2.2.1 Task 3: Develop and Document an Advanced Human System Interface for the Generic Pressurized Water Reactor Simulator, INL/EXT-19-55788Report for 2.2.1 Task 3: Develop and Document an Advanced Human System Interface for the Generic Pressurized Water Reactor Simulator, INL/EXT-19-55788, R. McDonald, A. Ove Braseth, J. Joe, September 2019.Download09/16/2019
Data Integration Aggregated Model and Ontology for Nuclear Deployment (DIAMOND): Preliminary Model and Ontology, INL/EXT-19-55610Data Integration Aggregated Model and Ontology for Nuclear Deployment (DIAMOND): Preliminary Model and Ontology, INL/EXT-19-55610, A. Rashdan, J. Browning, C. Ritter, September 2019.Download09/20/2019
Automating Surveillance Activities in a Nuclear Power Plant, INL/EXT-19-55620Automating Surveillance Activities in a Nuclear Power Plant, INL/EXT-19-55620Download09/16/2019
Subtle Process-Anomalies Detection Using Machine-Learning Methods, INL/EXT-19-55629Subtle Process-Anomalies Detection Using Machine-Learning Methods, INL/EXT-19-55629, A. Rashdan, M. Griffel, R. Boza, D. Guillen, September 2019.Download09/16/2019
Method and Application of Data Integration at a Nuclear Power Plant, INL/EXt-19-54294Creating a data warehouse in a plant or a data broker for a fleet of plants requires overcoming multiple challenges, including the lack of a standard form of storing and using data and the lack of integration methods to compare and map the different data sources. This effort develops and demonstrates a data integration method and application through data fusion and data warehousing pilots.Download06/16/2019
Developing a Roadmap for Total Nuclear Plant Transformation, INL/EXT-19-54766Developing a Roadmap for Total Nuclear Plant Transformation, INL/EXT-19-54766Download06/16/2019
Vibration-based Techniques for Concrete Structural-health Monitoring, INL/EXT-19-53248Vibration-based Techniques for Concrete Structural-health Monitoring, INL/EXT-19-53248Download03/21/2019
Integrated Risk-Informed Condition-Based Maintenance Capability and Automated Platform, PKM-DOC-21-0007The primary objective of this proposed research project is to integrate advancements in online monitoring and data analytic techniques with advanced risk assessment methodologies to reduce operating costs and enhance the reliability of commercial nuclear power plants (NPPs).Download09/21/2018
Development of a Technology Roadmap for Online Monitoring of Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-18-52206Development of a Technology Roadmap for Online Monitoring of Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-18-52206Download12/21/2018
Specification of a Bounded Exhaustive Testing Study for a Software-based Embedded Digital Device, INL/EXT-18-52032Specification of a Bounded Exhaustive Testing Study for a Software-based Embedded Digital Device, INL/EXT-18-52032Download11/21/2018
Casting of Reinforced Concrete Beam: Casting of Reinforced Concrete Beam: Project Progress, INL/EXT-18-51461Casting of Reinforced Concrete Beam: Casting of Reinforced, INL/EXT-18-5146Download09/21/2018
Automation Technologies Impact on the Work Process of Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-18-51457Automation Technologies Impact on the Work Process of Nuclear Power PlantsDownload09/11/2018
Automation of Data Collection Methods for Online Monitoring of Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-18-51456.Automation of Data Collection Methods for Online Monitoring of Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-18-51456Download09/11/2018
Automated Work Packages: Radio Frequency Identification, Bluetooth Beacons, and Video Applications in the Nuclear Power IndustryAutomated Work Packages: Radio Frequency Identification, Bluetooth Beacons, and Video Applications in the Nuclear Power Industry, INL/EXT-17-43264Download03/11/2016
Potential to Extend the Range of Established Online Monitoring Technologies,Potential to Extend the Range of Established Online Monitoring Technologies, Such as Guided Waves in Nuclear Power Plant Systems, INL/EXT-17-43242Download09/18/2017
Seamless Digital Environment – Data Analytics Use Case StudySeamless Digital Environment – Data Analytics Use Case Study, INL/EXT-17- 42918Download08/11/2017
Interrogation of Alkali-Silica Reaction Degraded Concrete Samples using Acoustic and Thermal Techniques to Support Development of a Structural Health Monitoring FrameworkInterrogation of Alkali-Silica Reaction Degraded Concrete Samples using Acoustic and Thermal Techniques to Support Development of a Structural Health Monitoring Framework, INL/EXT-17-41852Download09/16/2017
Computer-Based Procedures for Field Workers – FY16 Research ActivitiesComputer-Based Procedures for Field Workers – FY16 Research Activities, INL/EXT-39984Download09/17/2016
Framework for Structural Online Health Monitoring of Aging and Degradation of Secondary Systems due to some Aspects of ErosionFramework for Structural Online Health Monitoring of Aging and Degradation of Secondary Systems due to some Aspects of Erosion, INL/EXT-16-39903Download09/16/2016
Design Guidance for Computer-Based Procedures for Field WorkersDesign Guidance for Computer-Based Procedures for Field Workers, INL-EXT-16-3980Download09/16/2016
Data Analysis of Different Nondestructive Testing Techniques to Monitor Concrete Structure Degradation due to Alkali-Silica ReactionData Analysis of Different Nondestructive Testing Techniques to Monitor Concrete Structure Degradation due to Alkali-Silica Reaction, INL/EXT-16-39915Download09/16/2016
A Business Case for Nuclear Plant Control Room ModernizationA Business Case for Nuclear Plant Control Room Modernization, INL/EXT-16-39098Download04/16/2021
Automated Work Package: Conceptual Design and Data ArchitectureAutomated Work Package: Conceptual Design and Data Architecture, INL-EXT-16-38809Download04/16/2016
A Demonstration of Concrete Structural Health Monitoring Framework for Degradation due to Alkali-Silica ReactionA Demonstration of Concrete Structural Health Monitoring Framework for Degradation due to Alkali-Silica Reaction, INL-EXT-16-38602, S. Mahadevan, V. Agarwal, K. Neal, P. Nath, Y. Bao, G. Cai, P. Orme, D. Adams, D. Kosson, April 2016.Download03/16/2016
Digital Architecture Planning ModelDigital Architecture Planning Model, INL/EXT-16-38220Download03/16/2016
A Business Case for Advanced Outage ManagementA Business Case for Advanced Outage Management, INL/EXT-16-38265Download03/16/2016 11:40:53
Online Monitoring of Induction MotorsOnline Monitoring of Induction Motors, INL/EXT-15-36681Download01/11/2016
Monitoring, Modeling, and Diagnosis of Alkali-Silica- Reaction in Small Concrete SamplesMonitoring, Modeling, and Diagnosis of Alkali-Silica- Reaction in Small Concrete Samples, INL/EXT-15-36683, V. Agarwal, G. Cai, A. Gribok, P. Nath, R. Hansley, K. Neal, Y. Bao, S. Mahadevan, September 2015.Download09/11/2015
Computer-Based Procedures for Field Workers—Result and Insights– from Three Usability and Interface Design Evaluations – Results from a Gap Analysis INL/EXT-15-36662 September 2015Digital Architecture – Results from a Gap Analysis, J. Oxstrand, K. Thomas, K. Fitzgerald, INL/EXT-15-36662 September 2015.Download09/21/2015
Computer-Based Procedures for Field Workers—Result and Insights from Three Usability and Interface Design Evaluations INL/EXT-15-36658 September 2015Computer-Based Procedures for Field Workers—Result and Insights from Three Usability and Interface Design Evaluations, J. Oxstrand, K. Le Blanc, A. Bly, H. Medema, W. Hill, INL/EXT-15-36658, September 2015.Download09/11/2018
Requirements for Control Room Computer-Based Procedures for use in Hybrid Control Rooms, K. Le Blanc, J. Oxstrand, and J. Joe, INL/EXT-15-35284 Revision 0, Idaho National Laboratory, May 2015.Requirements for Control Room Computer-Based Procedures for use in Hybrid Control Rooms, K. Le Blanc, J. Oxstrand, and J. Joe, INL/EXT-15-35284 Revision 0, Idaho National Laboratory, May 2015.Download09/08/2015
A Simple Demonstration of Concrete Structural Health Monitoring Framework, S. Mahadevan, V. Agarwal, G.i Cai, P. Nath, Y. Bao, J. Maria Bru Brea, N. Myrent, D. Koester, D. Adams, and D. Kosson, INL/EXT-15-34729 Revision 0, March 2015.A Simple Demonstration of Concrete Structural Health Monitoring Framework, S. Mahadevan, V. Agarwal, G. Cai, P. Nath, Y. Bao, J. Maria Bru Brea, N. Myrent, D. Koester, D. Adams, and D. Kosson, INL/EXT-15-34729 Revision 0, March 2015.Download03/01/2015
Cyber Security Evaluation of II&C Technologies, K. Thomas, Idaho National Laboratory; M. Thow, T. Kenny, L Watkins, AREVA Inc., INL/EXT-14-33609, Revision 0, November 2014.Cyber Security Evaluation of II&C Technologies, K. Thomas, Idaho National Laboratory; M. Thow, T. Kenny, L Watkins, AREVA Inc., INL/EXT-14-33609, Revision 0, November 2014.Download11/01/2014
Digital Technology Business Case Methodology GuideDigital Technology Business Case Methodology Guide, INL/EXT-14-33129, K. Thomas, S. Lawrie, A. Hart, C. Viahoplus, S. Madden, September 2014.Download09/06/2014
Computer-Based Procedures for Field Worker – Identified BenefitsComputer-Based Procedures for Field Worker – Identified Benefits, INL/EXT-14-33011, J. Oxstrand, K. Le Blanc, September 2014.Download09/06/2014
Digital Architecture Project PlanDigital Architecture Project Plan, INL/EXT-14-33177, K. Thomas, September 2014.Download09/01/2014
Diagnostic and Prognostic Models for Generator Step-Up Transformers, V. Agarwal, N. Lybeck, and B. Pham, Idaho National Laboratory, INL/EXT-14-33124, September 2014.Diagnostic and Prognostic Models for Generator Step-Up Transformers, INL/EXT-14-33124, V. Agarwal, N. Lybeck, and B. Pham, Idaho National Laboratory, September 2014.Download09/01/2014
Automated Work Packages Architecture: An Initial Set of Human Factors and Instrumentation and Controls Requirements, V. Agarwal, J. Oxstrand, and K. Le Blanc, Idaho National Laboratory, INL/EXT-14-33172 Rev. 0, September 2014.Automated Work Packages Architecture: An Initial Set of Human Factors and Instrumentation and Controls Requirements, INL/EXT-14-33172, V. Agarwal, J. Oxstrand, and K. Le Blanc, Idaho National Laboratory, September 2014.Download09/01/2014
Guidelines for Implementation of an Advanced Outage Control Center to Improve Outage Coordination, Problem Resolution, and Outage Risk Management, S. St. Germain, R. Farris. A. Whaley, H. Medema, and D. Gertman, Idaho National Laboratory, INL/EXT-14-33182Guidelines for Implementation of an Advanced Outage Control Center to Improve Outage Coordination, Problem Resolution, and Outage Risk Management, S. St. Germain, R. Farris. A. Whaley, H. Medema, and D. Gertman, Idaho National Laboratory, INL/EXT-14-33182, September 2014.Download09/01/2012
Interim Report on Concrete Degradation Mechanisms and Online Monitoring Techniques, S. Mahadevan, V. Agarwal, K. Neal, D. Kosson, and D. Adams, Idaho National Laboratory, INL/EXT-14-33134 Rev. 0, September 2014.Interim Report on Concrete Degradation Mechanisms and Online Monitoring Techniques, S. Mahadevan, V. Agarwal, K. Neal, D. Kosson, and D. Adams, Idaho National Laboratory, INL/EXT-14-33134, September 2014.Download09/01/2014
Status Report on the Development of Micro-Scheduling Software for the Advanced Outage Control Center Project, S. St. Germain, K. Thomas, J. Joe, and R. Farris, Idaho National Laboratory, INL/EXT-14-33036 Rev. 0, September 2014.Status Report on the Development of Micro-Scheduling Software for the Advanced Outage Control Center Project, S. St. Germain, K. Thomas, J. Joe, and R. Farris, Idaho National Laboratory, INL/EXT-14-33036, September 2014.Download09/01/2014
Development of Methodologies for Technology Deployment for Advanced Outage Control Centers That Improve Outage Coordination, Problem Resolution and Outage Risk Management, S. St. Germain, R. Farris, and H. Medema, INL/EXT-13-29934, Revision 0, September 2Development of Methodologies for Technology Deployment for Advanced Outage Control Centers That Improve Outage Coordination, Problem Resolution and Outage Risk Management, S. St. Germain, R. Farris, and H. Medema, INL/EXT-13-29934, September 2013.Download09/14/2013
Computer-Based Procedures for Field Workers: Results from Three Evaluation Studies, J. Oxstrand, K. Le Blanc, and A. Bly, INL/EXT-13-30183, September 2013.Computer-Based Procedures for Field Workers: Results from Three Evaluation Studies, J. Oxstrand, K. Le Blanc, and A. Bly, INL/EXT-13-30183, September 2013.Download10/21/2013
Installation of Halden Reactor Project Digital Interface Prototypes in the Human Systems Simulation Laboratory, INL/EXT-13-29039Installation of Halden Reactor Project Digital Interface Prototypes in the Human Systems Simulation Laboratory, INL/EXT-13-29039Download05/09/2013
Guidance for Deployment of Mobile Technologies for Nuclear Power Plant Field Workers, R. K. Farris, H. Medema, INL/EXT-12-27094, September 2012.Guidance for Deployment of Mobile Technologies for Nuclear Power Plant Field Workers, R. K. Farris, H. Medema, INL/EXT-12-27094, September 2012.Download09/11/2012
Online Monitoring Technical Basis and Analysis Framework for Large Power Transformers; Interim Report for FY 2012, N. J. Lybeck, V. Agarwal, B. T. Pham, H. D. Medema, K. Fitzgerald, INL/EXT-12-27181, September 2012.Online Monitoring Technical Basis and Analysis Framework for Large Power Transformers; Interim Report for FY 2012, N. J. Lybeck, V. Agarwal, B. T. Pham, H. D. Medema, K. Fitzgerald, INL/EXT-12-27181, September 2012.Download09/09/2012
Evaluation of Computer-Based Procedure System Prototype, J. Oxstrand, K. Le Blanc, S. Hays,  INL/EXT-12-27155, September 2012.Evaluation of Computer-Based Procedure System Prototype, J. Oxstrand, K. Le Blanc, S. Hays, INL/EXT-12-27155, September 2012.Download09/08/2012
Digital Full-Scope Mockup of a Conventional Nuclear Power Plant Control Room, Phase I: Installation of a Utility Simulator at the Idaho National Laboratory, R. Boring, V. Agarwal, J. Joe, and J. Persensky, June 2012.Digital Full-Scope Mockup of a Conventional Nuclear Power Plant Control Room, Phase I: Installation of a Utility Simulator at the Idaho National Laboratory, R. Boring, V. Agarwal, J. Joe, and J. Persensky, June 2012.Download04/08/2012
Computer Based- Procedures for Field Workers in Nuclear Power Plants: Development of a Model of Procedure Usage and Identification of RequirementsComputer Based- Procedures for Field Workers in Nuclear Power Plants: Development of a Model of Procedure Usage and Identification of Requirements, INL/-12-25671, J. Oxstrand, K. Le Blanc, April 2012.Download04/08/2012
ION Work R+A8eduction Opportunity Realization Demonstration, INL/RPT-24-80282Researchers calculated that the modernized accredited training course reduced the time necessary to prepare and deliver the training material by a factor of 8:1. The amount of time learners spend in class could be reduced by this same factor. In other words, if a course took 8 hours to deliver a class, the new CBT instruction would take just over 1 hour.Download03/16/2013
Scalable Methods to Automate Manual Work Management Activities Using Artificial Intelligence, INL/RPT-24-80159This research developed an approach to substantially reduce these costs. By conducting a comprehensive analysis of the process, the research identified key areas where artificial intelligence could be used to automate work, focusing on labor-intensive processes. Quantifying the potential cost savings achievable through artificial intelligence formed a compelling business case for investing in this technology.Download08/01/2024
Integrated Operations in Nuclear: A Strategic Approach Addressing Workforce Attraction and Knowledge Retention, INL/RPT-24-80098This report discusses how ION serves as a framework for incremental modernization, fostering a business model that not only adapts to market and technology fluctuations but also appeals to the next-generation workforce. It examines strategies to attract and retain talent, including transitioning to digital instrumentation and control systems, upskilling, and fostering a culture of trust and innovation.Download08/01/2024

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Development of Human and Technology Integration Guidance for Work Optimization and Effective Use of Information, INL/RPT-24-77684This report describes the development of an extension of the human and technology integration methodology, herein referred to as the Human Integration and Technology Task Force for Work Management Optimization (HITT), to support the safe, reliable, and efficient use of proposed innovations with the intended users in their intended environment to perform their intended tasks. The intent of this work is to provide practical guidance for industry to follow to ensure that the proposed digital technologies are implemented in a way that are usable to the intended users in the intended environment.Download04/30/2024
Digitalization Mapping and Assessment Process Supporting ION Strategic Transformation Activities, INL/RPT-24-80099This research is focused on helping the nuclear industry understand how to digitize and digitalize their NPPs so that they can design their modernization solutions to be scalable, sustainable, and integrated both laterally and horizontally within their organization. That is, this research creates a digital transformation in NPPs by reshaping work processes and by identifying business efficiencies. Download04/30/2024
Integrated Operations for Nuclear: Work Reduction Opportunity Demonstration, INL/RPT-24-80256This ION WRO demonstration report was developed to provide illustrative, specific, and actionable direction for intertwined PTPG changes associated with digital modernization efforts. The coordinated changes in these areas are intended to maximize safe plant operational and economic performance. This includes enabling WROs associated with detailed configuration, implementation, and use of digital systems and how they are supported over their lifecycle. Download08/27/2024
Integrated Operations in Nuclear: A Strategic Approach Addressing Workforce Attraction and Knowledge Retention, INL/RPT-24-80098This report discusses how ION serves as a framework for incremental modernization, fostering a business model that not only adapts to market and technology fluctuations but also appeals to the next-generation workforce. It examines strategies to attract and retain talent, including transitioning to digital instrumentation and control systems, upskilling, and fostering a culture of trust and innovation.Download08/27/2024
ION Work Reduction Opportunity Realization Demonstration, INL/RPT-24-80282Researchers calculated that the modernized accredited training course reduced the time necessary to prepare and deliver the training material by a factor of 8:1. The amount of time learners spend in class could be reduced by this same factor. In other words, if a course took 8 hours to deliver a class, the new CBT instruction would take just over 1 hour. Download08/28/2024
Human and Technology Integration Evaluation of Advanced Automation and Data Visualization, INL/RPT-23-74346The reason for the gap in operating and maintenance costs can be attributed at least in part to the advent of new digital technologies that other electricity generating industries are currently using. Advanced capabilities, including I&C systems, advanced automation and analytics, and a greater span of data integration (i.e., connectedness), across these nonnuclear plants have transformed the way work is performed and ultimately given them a competitive advantage in terms of the cost required for operating, maintaining, and supporting them.Download08/30/2023
Pilot Business Case Analysis for Digital Infrastructure, INL/RPT-23-74393Digital Infrastructure Pilot Business Case Objective One: Addressing Concerns with Implementation Costs by Demonstrating Long-Term Value of Digital I&C Modernization. The first major objective of this report and the wider LWRS research is to relieve the concern associated with prohibitively high implementation costs of plant I&C upgrades. This is addressed through demonstrating the long-term net economic value of digital upgrades with an in-depth exposition of the business case for, and detailed process associated with digital I&C modernizations.Download08/30/2023
Extending Data-Driven Anomaly Detection Methods to Transient Power Conditions in Nuclear Power Plants, INL/RPT-23-73933Historically, nuclear power plants have operated predominantly at or near full power, meaning that most of the data collected are in this operating regime. Therefore, data-driven anomaly detection methods that are developed using this data can perform well at full power operations. This presents a challenge when the power drops (referred to as a transient) and may result in false alarms due to the lack of historical data at those new power levels. The current approach to handling this challenge is to turn the anomaly detection algorithms off during transients, causing missed detections. This effort developed and tested multiple data-driven anomaly detection methods that can extend to transient conditions.Download08/23/2023
Demonstration and Evaluation of the Human-Technology Integration Guidance for Plant Modernization, INL/RPT-22-70538The scope of this work documents the demonstration of the recently developed human and technology integration methodology, as applied to developing a new vision and concept of operations for a major U.S. nuclear power plant fleet. This report focuses on the methodological aspects of developing a vision and concept of operations. This report shares the tools, activities, and lessons learned during a modernization currently underway for industry as a whole to consider when planning any significant digital modification and developing a new vision and concept of operations.Download12/15/2022
Demonstration and Evaluation of the Human-Technology Integration Function Allocation Methodology, INL/RPT-22-68472Demonstration and Evaluation of the Human-Technology Integration Function Allocation Methodology, INL/RPT-22-68472, August 2022.Download08/11/2020
Development of an Assessment Methodology That Enables the Nuclear Industry to Evaluate Adoption of Advanced Automation, INL/EXT-21-64320Development of an Assessment Methodology That Enables the Nuclear Industry to Evaluate Adoption of Advanced Automation, INL/EXT-21-64320, C. Kovesdi, Z. Spielman, R. Hill. J. Mohon, T. Miyake, C. Pederson, September 2021.Download12/15/2022
Towards a Deeper Understanding of Automation Transparency in the Operation of Nuclear Plants, INL/EXT-20-59469Towards a Deeper Understanding of Automation Transparency in the Operation of Nuclear Plants, INL/EXT-20-59469, G. Skraaning, G. Jamieson, J. Joe, August 2020.Download08/04/2020
Report for 2.2.1 Task 5: Develop and Document a State-Based Alarm System for a Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Using Machine Learning, NL/EXT-19-55368Report for 2.2.1 Task 5: Develop and Document a State-Based Alarm System for a Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Using Machine Learning, INL/EXT-19-55368, J. Langstrand, H. Nguyen, R. McDonald, August 2019.Download08/18/2019
Report for 2.2.1 Task 1: Support of Operator in the Loop Studies to be Conducted in the HSSL, INL/EXT-18-51360Report for 2.2.1 Task 1: Support of Operator in the Loop Studies to be Conducted in the HSSL, INL/EXT-18-51360Download09/20/2018
Report for 2.2.1 Task 2: Provide Support for the Human Factors Studies Conducted for the LWRS Control Room Modernization Project for PVNGS, INL/EXT-18-51358Report for 2.2.1 Task 2: Provide Support for the Human Factors Studies Conducted for the LWRS Control Room Modernization Project for PVNGS, INL/EXT-18-51358Download09/20/2018

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Complete Evaluation of ION Cost Reduction Opportunities for LWRS Program Pathways, INL/RPT-23-74595The purpose and mission of the Integrated Operations for Nuclear Business Model and research effort at Light Water Reactors Sustainability (LWRS) Program is to identify and integrate technological and programmatic changes and modernizations to nuclear plant operations. These changes, called “work reduction opportunities,” are first advanced and integrated into the integrated operations for nuclear model then verified and explored further in applied ways with partnering utilities and plant sites. As the integrated operations for nuclear model gains structure, researchers actively seek to incorporate new work reduction opportunities as components to the existing work reduction opportunities suite from ongoing research within the LWRS Program. To achieve this, each pathway in the LWRS Program was assessed, and interviews conducted with each pathway lead to gather insights into current and future research and development efforts that could contribute to the creation of new work reduction activities.Download09/27/2023
Development of a Technical, Economic, and Risk Assessment Framework for the Evaluation of Work Reduction Opportunities, INL/RPT-23-74724The report concludes by summarizing the overall effort and implications for utility modernization. The performance of the screening and TERA are discussed as well as the impact on the nuclear industry. The TERA process enables utilities to evaluate and inform investment decisions for WROs and mitigate any potential risks. Through this research, we provide utilities with a valuable framework to optimize operations, reduce costs, and drive continuous process improvement.Download09/27/2023
Applying the ION Business Model to a Domestic Nuclear Plant: Assessment and Transformation Implementation Plan, INL/RPT-23-73942The purpose of this report is to communicate the next phase of research associated with the Integrated Operations for Nuclear (ION) business model advanced and detailed by the researchers who are part of the Light Water Reactor Sustainability (LWRS) Program. Previous reports detailed work-reduction opportunities and their potential impact on savings, operations and maintenance (O&M) cost reductions to domestic nuclear plants. Advancing the concept once again, researchers have developed and now tested a methodology for assessing a nuclear plant and developing a roadmap for implementation of ION. This report describes that process, which was completed with a domestic nuclear site partner.Download09/26/2023
Development of Analysis Methods that Integrate Numeric and Textual Equipment Reliability Data, INL/RPT-23-74530In this report we show in detail how the integration and reasoning from numeric and textual ER data elements is performed. First, we present the developed library of MBSE modelsthat focus on common NPP systems and assets. Then we show the development of computational methods designed to process and analyze numeric and textual ER data elements simultaneously. Here, we apply the developed computational methods on the circulating water system of an existing NPP. Our final considerations provide additional insights on further potential applications of these methods to support additional NPP decisions.Download09/16/2023
Integrated Operations for Nuclear: Work Reduction Opportunity Demonstration Strategy, INL/RPT-23-74671This document leverages these select ION WROs as a starting point to initiate a specific WRO demonstration strategy. The strategy addresses the select ION WROs categories described above with the intent of applying this outline to other WROs in the future.Download09/15/2023
FY 23 ION-Based Approaches to Address Labor and Knowledge Retention, INL/RPT-23-73454A review of published reports and knowledge gained by working in the nuclear energy sector will form the basis for this scoping study. This study will not seek to draw any conclusions regarding the underlying causes of these personnel issues but will attempt to ask questions and help outline future research. The Integrated Operations for Nuclear business model provides opportunities to partially mitigate some of the current issues facing staffing the nuclear fleet.Download08/29/2023
Integrated Operations for Nuclear Business Operation Model Analysis and Industry Validation INL/RPT-22-68671 Rev 1A selected group of utilities verified details of the work reduction opportunities and inputs to the ION model first published in the original report.Download01/26/2023
A Novel Data Obfuscation Method to Share Nuclear Data for Machine Learning Application, INL/RPT-22-69871The nuclear power industry is data-rich and these data introduce a tremendous potential for automation and cost savings. On the other hand, research organizations, among other stakeholders, have very capable methods and solutions often developed using simulated or synthetic data due to the lack of real data. One cause of this disconnect is data privacy. Data privacy is of paramount importance in all industries, but especially the nuclear industry. This challenge motivated the data obfuscation method called deceptive infusion of data (DIOD).Download11/15/2022
Integrated Operations for Nuclear Business Operation Model Analysis and Industry Validation, INL/RPT-22-68671Integrated Operations for Nuclear Business Operation Model Analysis and Industry Validation, INL/RPT-22-68671, August 2022.Download08/30/2022
Using Information Automation and Human Technology Integration to Implement Integrated Operations for Nuclear, INL/RPT-22-68076Using Information Automation and Human Technology Integration to Implement Integrated Operations for Nuclear, INL/RPT-22-68076, July 2022Download07/28/2022
Nuclear Work Function Innovation Tool Set Development for Performance Improvement and Human Systems Integration, INL/EXT-21-64428Nuclear Work Function Innovation Tool Set Development for Performance Improvement and Human Systems Integration, INL/EXT-21-64428, C. Kovesdi, J. Mohon, K. Thomas, J. Remer, J. Joe, L. Hanes, M. Dainoff, L. Hettinger, September 2021.Download09/29/2021
Process for Significant Nuclear Work Function Innovation Based on Integrated Operations Concepts, INL/EXT-21-64134A selected group of utilities verified details of the work reduction opportunities and inputs to the ION model first published in the original report. Verification categories included capital cost, technology requirements, and operational and maintenance savings, among others. Researchers then modeled the data points and data ranges using probabilistic analysis to predict the likelihood of positive or negative net present value outcomes.Download08/26/2021
Usability Evaluation of the Innovation Portal and Integrated Capability Analysis Platform, INL/EXT-21-63101Usability Evaluation of the Innovation Portal and Integrated Capability Analysis Platform, INL/EXT-21-63101, J. Mohon, C. Pederson, C. Kovesdi, J. Joe, June 2021.Download08/26/2021
Report for 2.2.1 Task 5: Develop and Document a State-Based Alarm System for a Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Using Machine Learning, INL/EXT-20-60549Report for 2.2.1 Task 5: Develop and Document a State-Based Alarm System for a Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Using Machine Learning, INL/EXT-20-60549, J. Langstrand, R. McDonald H. Nguyen, November 2020.Download11/12/2020
Report on the Use and Function of the Work Function Analysis Tool and Nuclear Innovation Portal, INL/EXT-20-59827Report on the Use and Function of the Work Function Analysis Tool and Nuclear Innovation Portal, INL/EXT-20-59827, C. Kovesdi, K. Thomas, S. Remer, J. Boyce, September 2020.Download09/20/2020
Analysis and Planning Framework for Nuclear Plant Transformation, INL/EXT-20-59537This report provides an analysis and planning framework for transforming the current NPP operating model via transferable learnings from the North Sea O&G industry. This framework is termed “Integrated Operations for Nuclear”. This report describes the key principles and methods of IO and how they are being applied via collaboration between the DOE LWRS Program and Xcel Energy in an initiative to transform the NPP operating model in order to foster performance improvement and long-term sustainability.Download08/01/2020
Modeling and Simulation Introducing hardware-in-the-loop capabilities to the Human Systems Simulation Laboratory, INL/MIS-19-55969Modeling and Simulation Introducing hardware-in-the-loop capabilities to the Human Systems Simulation Laboratory, INL/MIS-19-55969, B. Rice, J. Lehmer, R. England, September 2019.Download09/24/2019
Data Architecture and Analytics Requirements for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications to Achieve Condition-Based Maintenance, INL/RPT-22-70350This report identifies some of the important requirements that need to be considered as part of the data evolution for the condition-based maintenance application on a circulating water system in an nuclear power plant. The concept of data evolution converts data into information, which in turn is converted into insight, decision, and action. An overview of AI design, development, deployment, and operation principles is introduced to support the lifecycle of AI technologies.Download11/20/2022
Development of a Cloud-based Application to Enable a Scalable Risk-informed Predictive Maintenance Strategy at Nuclear Power Plants, INL/RPT-22-70543This report covers certain regulatory and security aspects that may concern licensees looking to implement cloud computing. The report also focuses on the integration of sensor database storage, the application of cloud resources to predictive maintenance, and the identification of technological and economic hurdles associated with moving to a cloud-computing-based architecture.Download11/20/2022
Report for 2.2.1 Task 4: Software-Based Tools to Support Human-System Evaluation Studies, INL/EXT-19-55789Report for 2.2.1 Task 4: Software-Based Tools to Support Human-System Evaluation Studies, INL/EXT-19-55789, M. Hildebrandt, J. Langstrand, H. Nguyen, J. Joe, September 2019.Download09/20/2019
Methods to Automate Assessing Outage Risk and Technical Specification Compliance for Planned Work and Current Plant Conditions, INL/EXT-19-55308Methods to Automate Assessing Outage Risk and Technical Specification Compliance for Planned Work and Current Plant Conditions, INL-EXT-19-55308Download08/04/2019
Prototype System for Detecting Interactions between Current Plant Configuration States and Component Manipulations Directed by In-Use Procedures, INL/EXT-18-51474Prototype System for Detecting Interactions between Current Plant Configuration States and Component Manipulations Directed by In-Use Procedures, INL/EXT-18-51474Download09/18/2018
Developing a Human Factors Engineering Program Plan and End State Vision to Support Full Nuclear Power Plant ModernizationDeveloping a Human Factors Engineering Program Plan and End State Vision to Support Full Nuclear Power Plant Modernization, INL/EXT-18-51212Download08/08/2018
Control Room Modernization End-State Design PhilosophyControl Room Modernization End-State Design Philosophy, INL/EXT-18-44798Download08/08/2018
Lessons Learned from Performing a Human Factors Engineering Validation of an Upgraded Digital Control System in a Nuclear Power Plant Control Room, INL/EXT-18-44618,Lessons Learned from Performing a Human Factors Engineering Validation of an Upgraded Digital Control System in a Nuclear Power Plant Control RoomDownload02/18/2018
Evaluation of Control Room Interface Designs to Support Modernization in Nuclear Power PlantsEvaluation of Control Room Interface Designs to Support Modernization in Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-17-43250Download09/18/2017
Prototype Design, Analysis, and Results for a Liquid Radiological Waste Control RoomPrototype Design, Analysis, and Results for a Liquid Radiological Waste Control Room, INL/EXT-17-43226Download09/18/2017
Technologies for Detecting Interactions between Current Plant Configuration States and Component Manipulations Directed by In-Use ProceduresTechnologies for Detecting Interactions between Current Plant Configuration States and Component Manipulations Directed by In-Use Procedures, INL/EXT-17-43234Download09/18/2017
Development of an Initial Business Case Framework for Fleet-Based Control Room ModernizationDevelopment of an Initial Business Case Framework for Fleet-Based Control Room Modernization, INL/EXT-17-42604Download07/29/2017
Human Factors Engineering Aspects of Modifications in Control Room ModernizationHuman Factors Engineering Aspects of Modifications in Control Room Modernization, INL/EXT-17-42190Download06/18/2017
Development of an Overview Display to Allow Advanced Outage Control Center Management to Quickly Evaluate Outage StatusDevelopment of an Overview Display to Allow Advanced Outage Control Center Management to Quickly Evaluate Outage Status, INL/EXT-16-39622Download09/06/2016
Report for Task 8.4: Development of Control Room Layout RecommendationsReport for Task 8.4: Development of Control Room Layout Recommendations, INL/EXT-16-39800Download09/01/2016
Considerations regarding the Use of Computer Vision Machine Learning in Safety-Related or Risk-Significant Applications in Nuclear Power Plants, INL/RPT-23-74920With the advancements made to date in the field of artificial intelligence, significant potential exists to utilize AI capabilities for nuclear power plant applications. AI can replicate human decision making and it is usually faster and more accurate than humans. For implementations that impact critical NPP applications, a deeper safety analysis of the AI methods is necessary.Download09/20/2021
Technical Basis for Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Adoption in Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-22-68942Technical Basis for Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Adoption in Nuclear Power Plants, INL/RPT-22-68942, September 2022.Download09/20/2022
Hybrid Modeling of a Circulating Water Pump Motor, INL/EXT-20-59600Hybrid Modeling of a Circulating Water Pump Motor, INL/EXT-20-59600 V. Agarwal, S. Kovacevic, P. Harry, August 2020.Download08/11/2020
Scalable Technologies Achieving Risk-Informed Condition-Based Predictive Maintenance Enhancing the Economic Performance of Operating Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-21-64168The outcomes presented in this report lay the foundation and provide a much-needed technical basis for focusing on the explainability and trustworthiness of machine language and artificial intelligence-based technologies as part of future research.Download08/20/2021
Baseline Study Methodology for Future Phases of Research on Nuclear Power Plant Control Room TechnologiesBaseline Study Methodology for Future Phases of Research on Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Technologies, INL/EXT-16-39497Download07/01/2016
Benefits of Advanced Control Room Technologies: Phase One Upgrades to the HSSL and Performance MeasuresBenefits of Advanced Control Room Technologies: Phase One Upgrades to the HSSL and Performance Measures, K. Le Blanc, J. Joe, B. Rice, T. Ulrich, R. Boring, INL/EXT-15-3538, May 2015.Download05/15/2015
Implementation of Software Tools for Hybrid Control Rooms in the Human Systems Simulation Laboratory, INL/EXT-14-33710Implementation of Software Tools for Hybrid Control Rooms in the Human Systems Simulation LaboratoryDownload11/01/2014
Benchmark Report on Key Outage Attributes: An Analysis of Outage Improvement Opportunities and PrioritiesBenchmark Report on Key Outage Attributes: An Analysis of Outage Improvement Opportunities and Priorities, INL/EXT-14-32848, St. Germain. R. Farris, September 2014.Download09/01/2014
Resolving Emergent Issues During Nuclear Plant OutagesResolving Emergent Issues During Nuclear Plant Outages, INL/EXT-12-26807, G. Weatherby, K. LeBlanc, R. Farris, July 2012.Download07/29/2012
Advanced Outage and Control Center: Strategies for Nuclear Plant Outage Work Status CapabilitiesAdvanced Outage and Control Center: Strategies for Nuclear Plant Outage Work Status Capabilities, INL/EXT 12 26197, G. Weatherby, May 2012.Download05/29/2012
Hybrid Modeling of a Circulating Water Pump Motor, INL/EXT-20-59600Hybrid Modeling of a Circulating Water Pump Motor, INL/EXT-20-59600Download04/04/2020
Industry Engagement on Integrated Operations for Nuclear, INL/EXT-20-59639The purpose of this report is to describe the efforts of the LWRS Program Plant Modernization Pathway to engage the nuclear industry on the transferable learnings of integrated operations for nuclear.Download09/20/2020

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Development of a Cloud-based Application to Enable a Scalable Risk-informed Predictive Maintenance Strategy at Nuclear Power Plants, INL/RPT-22-70543The cloud-based monitoring system would enable maintenance and diagnostics analysts and other authorized plant users to remotely monitor equipment functionality so as to enable predictive monitoring practices and early detection of faults. This report covers certain regulatory and security aspects that may concern licensees looking to implement cloud computing. The report also focuses on the integration of sensor database storage, the application of cloud resources to predictive maintenance, and the identification of technological and economic hurdles associated with moving to a cloud-computing-based architecture.Download12/14/2022
Data Architecture and Analytics Requirements for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications to Achieve Condition-Based Maintenance, INL/RPT-22-70350This report identifies some of the important requirements that need to be considered as part of the data evolution for the condition-based maintenance application on a circulating water system in an nuclear power plant. The concept of data evolution converts data into information, which in turn is converted into insight, decision, and action. An overview of AI design, development, deployment, and operation principles is introduced to support the lifecycle of AI technologies.Download11/22/2022
Technical Basis for Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Adoption in Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-22-68942Technical Basis for Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Adoption in Nuclear Power Plants, INL/RPT-22-68942, September 2022.Download09/08/2022
Considerations regarding the Use of Computer Vision Machine Learning in Safety-Related or Risk-Significant Applications in Nuclear Power Plants, INL/RPT-23-74920With the advancements made to date in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), significant potential exists to utilize AI capabilities for nuclear power plant (NPP) applications. AI can replicate human decision making and it is usually faster and more accurate than humans. For implementations that impact critical NPP applications (e.g., safety-related or non-safety systems that potentially affect overall plant risk), a deeper safety analysis of the AI methods is necessary.Download10/16/2021
Scalable Technologies Achieving Risk-Informed Condition-Based Predictive Maintenance Enhancing the Economic Performance of Operating Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-21-64168The outcomes presented in this report lay the foundation and provide a much-needed technical basis for focusing on the explainability and trustworthiness of machine language and artificial intelligence-based technologies as part of future research.Download08/30/2021
Hybrid Modeling of a Circulating Water Pump Motor, INL/EXT-20-59600Hybrid Modeling of a Circulating Water Pump Motor, INL/EXT-20-59600 V. Agarwal, S. Kovacevic, P. Harry, August 2020.Download08/11/2020
Markov Process to Evaluate the Value Proposition of a Risk-Informed Predictive Maintenance Strategy, INL/EXT-20-59146Markov Process to Evaluate the Value Proposition of a Risk-Informed Predictive Maintenance Strategy, INL/EXT-20-59146, V. Agarwal, A. Gribok, P. Harry, July 2020.Download07/04/2020
Determination of Sensor Quality of Calibration Using Advanced Data Analytics and Machine Learning Methods, INL/EXT-19-55407Determination of Sensor Quality of Calibration Using Advanced Data Analytics and Machine Learning Methods, INL/EXT-19-55407, S. Cetiner, N. Rao, P. Ramuhalli, C. Greulich, P. Devineni, F. Zhang, A. Gurgen, V. Agarwal, September 2019.Download09/22/2019
Utilizing FLEX Equipment for Operations and Maintenance Cost Reduction in Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-19-55445Utilizing FLEX Equipment for Operations and Maintenance Cost Reduction in Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-19- 55445, V. Yadav, J. Biersdorf, August 2009.Download08/24/2019
Technology-Enabled Risk-Informed Maintenance Strategy to Minimize Operation and Maintenance Costs, INL/EXT-19-55169The technology-centric approach is designed to reduce preventive maintenance frequency, drive down costs, enhance safety and reliability, and improve the economics of operation in NPPs. This will ensure the nuclear industry as a whole will remain economically competitive and viable in the energy market.Download08/13/2019
Technical Specification Surveillance Interval Extension of Digital Equipment in Nuclear Power Plants: Review, Research, and Recommendations, INL/EXT-19-54251Technical Specification Surveillance Interval Extension of Digital Equipment in Nuclear Power Plants: Review, Research, and Recommendations, INL-EXT-19-54251Download06/18/2019
Online Monitoring Technical Basis and Analysis Framework for Emergency Diesel Generators—Interim Report for FY 2013, B. T. Pham, N. J. Lybeck, V. Agarwal, INL/EXT-12-27754, December 2012.Online Monitoring Technical Basis and Analysis Framework for Emergency Diesel Generators—Interim Report for FY 2013, B. T. Pham, N. J. Lybeck, V. Agarwal, INL/EXT-12-27754, December 2012.Download12/01/2012
Lifecycle Prognostics Architecture for Selected High-Cost Active Components, N. Lybeck, B. Pham, and M. Tawfik, INL, and J. B. Coble, R. M. Meyer, P. Ramuhalli, and L. J. Bond, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, INL/ EXT-11-22915, August 2011.Lifecycle Prognostics Architecture for Selected High-Cost Active Components, N. Lybeck, B. Pham, and M. Tawfik, INL, and J. B. Coble, R. M. Meyer, P. Ramuhalli, and L. J. Bond, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, INL/ EXT-11-22915, August 2011.Download08/01/2011
Demonstration and Evaluation of Explainable and Trustworthy Predictive Technology for Condition-based Maintenance, INL/RPT-24-80727This research focuses specifically on addressing the explainability and trustworthiness of artificial intelligence technologies to advance the human, technical, and organization readiness levels in adopting a risk-informed predictive maintenance (PdM) strategy at commercial nuclear power plants. VIsualization for PrEdictive maintenance Recommendation (VIPER)—a copyrighted software owned by Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC—was developed and expanded to provide a user-centric visualization by incorporating input from the collaborating utility, human factors engineering guidelines, and data scientists. Download09/27/2024

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Industry Engagement on Integrated Operations for Nuclear, INL/EXT-20-59639The purpose of this report is to describe the efforts of the LWRS Program Plant Modernization Pathway to engage the nuclear industry on the transferable learnings of integrated operations for nuclear. It describes the engagement materials developed, the engagement opportunities that have been conducted, and the plans for further industry engagement in the coming year.Download09/11/2020
Nuclear Power Plant Modernization Strategy and Action Plan, INL/EXT-19-55852Nuclear Power Plant Modernization Strategy and Action Plan, INL/EXT-19-55852, K. Thomas, P. Hunton, September 2019.Download09/18/2019
Plant Modernization Pathway: FY 2019 External Review Summary Report, INL/EXT-18-52030Plant Modernization Pathway: FY 2019 External Review Summary Report, INL/EXT-18-52030Download11/15/2018
FY 2018 Summary Report on Industrial and Regulatory Engagement Activities, INL/EXT-18-51462FY 2018 Summary Report on Industrial and Regulatory Engagement Activities, INL/EXT-18-5146Download09/06/2018
FY 2017 Summary Report on Industrial and Regulatory Engagement ActivitiesFY 2017 Summary Report on Industrial and Regulatory Engagement Activities, INL/EXT-17-43352Download09/18/2017
2015 Summary Report on Industrial and Regulatory Engagement Activities INL/EXT-15-36705 September 20152015 Summary Report on Industrial and Regulatory Engagement Activities, K. Thomas, INL/EXT-15-36705Download09/01/2015