Safety-Related Pilot Upgrade - Reports

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Safety-Related Instrumentation and Control Pilot Upgrade: Conceptual – Detailed Design Phase Report and Lessons Learned, INL/RPT-23-72105.This research report describes the process followed during the SR I&C pilot project conceptual design phase and portions of the detailed design phase.Download6/14/2023
Safety-Related Instrumentation & Control Pilot Upgrade Initiation Phase Implementation Report, INL/EXT-20-59809.This research report describes the process followed and products developed during the SR I&C Pilot Project Initial Scoping Phase, and captures lessons learned.Download11/1/2020
Business Case Analysis for Digital Safety-Related Instrumentation & Control System Modernizations, INL/EXT-20-59371.The commercial nuclear sector faces unprecedented financial challenges driven by low natural gas prices and subsidized renewables in a marketplace that does not reward carbon-free baseload capacity.Download11/1/2020
Vendor-Independent Design Requirements for a Boiling Water Reactor Safety System Upgrade, INL/EXT-20-61079.LWRS Vendor-Independent Design Requirements for a Boiling Water Reactor Safety System Upgrade​.Download5/1/2020