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Plant Modernization

The Light Water Reactor Sustainability (LWRS) Program’s Plant Modernization pathway conducts research and development to provide guidance to nuclear power stakeholders on the full-scale implementation of modernization in nuclear power plants, while significantly reducing the technical and financial risks associated to such modernization.

​​Objectives, Research Areas and Outcomes


Extend the life and improve the performance of the existing fleet through modernized technologies and improved processes for plant operation and power generation.

Develop modernization solutions that improve reliability and economic performance while addressing the U.S. nuclear industry’s aging and obsolescence challenges.

Deliver a sustainable business model that enables the U.S. nuclear industry to remain cost competitive.


A multi-layered, sustainable digital foundation to enable plant modernization.

Advanced monitoring and data processing to replace labor-intensive plant support tasks.

Tools and methodologies that maximize efficiency while ensuring safety and reliability are maintained.

Light water reactor fleet electric market competitiveness.

Contact Information

Ahmad Al Rashdan

Plant Modernization, Pathway Lead
Idaho National Laboratory