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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Enhanced Resilient Plant Systems


To develop methods for using risk and cost-benefit analyses that combine plant-resiliency technologies to enhance the economic, operational, and safety of light-water nuclear power reactors.

The plant-resiliency enhancement technologies considered in this project include accident-tolerant fuel (ATF) with fuel-burnup extension and increased enrichment, flexible mitigation strategies, new battery technologies and passive cooling for pressurized and boiling-water reactor designs.


Researchers will produce a set of safety analyses based on combinations of plant-resiliency enhancement technologies to demonstrate approaches to safety margin management. The increase in safety margins will provide a basis for decision-makers to determine what enhancement strategies are most beneficial in terms of safety, operational flexibility, and plant economics.

Planned Major Accomplishments

  • Finalize analyses of various non-ELAP (extended loss of AC power) scenarios with plant enhancements credited for mitigation. Develop industry guidance on how to credit plant enhancements for plant risk reduction. Complete and document risk-assessment methodology for ATF with higher enrichment and extended burnup.​

  • C​omplete a pilot project to provide information that industry use to support efforts in accident-tolerant fuel licensing that includes necessary safety analyses required for ATF regulatory approval.


​For more information, contact

Svetlana (Lana) Lawrence
Risk-Informed Systems Analysis, Pathway Lead
Idaho National Laboratory
​​ enhanced resilient plant.jpg

Concept o​f enhanced resilient plant