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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Physical Security

The Light Water Reactor Sustainability (LWRS)​ Program's Physical Security pathway conducts research and development to expand and enhance methods, tools and technologies to optimize and modernize a nuclear facility's physical security posture.

​Objectives, Research Areas, and Outcomes​​


Improve the efficiency of physical security posture. The goals of these activities are to develop and deploy advanced technologies optimizing physical security costs​ and activities at nuclear power plants.

Develop mitigation strategies and enhance the technical basis necessary for stakeholders to reevaluate physical security postures, while meeting regulatory requirements.

Compare the existing physical security regime, and current best practices, with alternative methods which leverage advanced modeling and simulation, modern technologies, and novel techniques that address design basis threat and regulatory requirements.

​Research Areas

Advanced​​ Security Technologies​

Risk-Informed Physical Security​

Advanced Security Sensors and Delay​​


Provide advanced security technologies​.

Enable security stakeholders to better define security requirements and develop security postures and program plans​​.

Develop and document a multi-year research roadmap on advanced physical security sensor and delay technologies.


​For more information, contact

Commie R. Byrum
Physical Security Lead
Sandia National Laboratories​

Physical Security

Physical Security​ image of protected security area