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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Materials Research

The Light Water Reactor Sustainability (LWRS)​​ Program's Materials Research pathway conducts research and development to understand long-term environmental degradation behavior and create technologies for its mitigation in key materials in nuclear power plants.

​Objectives, Research Areas, and Outcomes​​


​​Understand and predict the long-term behavior of materials.​

Provide data and me​thods to assess performance and damage mitigation options for systems, structures, and components essential to safe and economically ​sustainable nuclear power plant operations.

Deliver a sustainable business model that enables the US nuclear industry to remain cost competitive.​​


​Research Areas

Reactor Pressure Vessels

Reactor Core and Primary Systems​

Concrete Aging and Degradation​

​Cable Aging and Detection

​Mitigation Methods and Technologies​

Management Report​


  • Reduce uncertainty at extended operations ​Increase operational efficiencies

  • ​Assess potential damage at extended operations

  • Reduce inspections needs and outages

  • Reduce costs and improve reliability



​For more information, contact:

Xiang (Frank) Chen
Materials Research, Pathway Lead
Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Surf​ace o​xidation formation on austenitic stainless steel 316​