LWRS Program
Spring Meeting
April 30, 2024
- Welcome, Meeting Agenda, Bruce Hallbert, INL
- Department of Energy News, Sujata Goetz, DOE
- Plant Modernization Pathway, Craig Primer, INL
- Flexible Plant Operation and Generation Pathway, Richard Boardman, INL
- Risk-Informed Systems Analysis Pathway, Svetlana (Lana) Lawrence, INL
- Materials Research Pathway, Xiang (Frank) Chen, ORNL
- Physical Security Pathway, Commie Byrum, SNL
- Technical Integration Office, Bruce Hallbert, INL
- Electric Power Research Institute News and Update, Garry Young, EPRI
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission News and Update, John McKirgan, NRC
- Nuclear Energy Institute News and Update, Jim Slider, NEI
- Pressurized Water Reactor Owners Group (PWROG) News and Update, James Lynde, PWROG
- Boiling Water Reactor Owner's Group (BWROG) News and Update, TBD
- CANDU Owner's Group News and Update, Usha Menon, CANDU
May 1, 2024
- Study of Hydrogen and Heat Markets for an LWRS, Mark Lingenfelter, Entergy
- Hydrogen Production Demonstration Update, Uuganbaatar Otgonbaatar, Constellation
- Thermal Energy Offtake and Storage, Cory Stansbury, Westinghouse
- LWR Thermal Energy Extraction Preconceptual Design Study, Alan Wilson, Sr., Sargent & Lundy
- NRC Perspectives on Hydrogen Production with Nuclear Power Plants, Gerond George, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- From data to decisions: an ageing management and plant outage perspective, Brian Mori & Mohammad Movassat, Ontario Power Generation
- Assessing Impact of Inflation Reduction Act on Power Uprate & Hydrogen Cogeneration, Eric Federline, MPR Assoc., Inc.
- Gains in operational flexibility, safety margins, and cost efficiencies via integrated Plant Reload Optimization platform, Boyan Ivanov & Adam Donnell, Constellation Nuclear
- Innovation at South Texas Project and Working with the LWRS Program, Clayton Bonnot, South Texas Project
- Comanche Peak Modernization Activities, Taylor Smith, Comanche Peak
- Xcel Energy Innovation Update, Molly Strasser, Xcel Energy
- Work Week Management Process Innovation, John McCague, Southern Nuclear
- Update on NRC Innovation Collaboration with LWRS, Zack Hollcraft, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Building a Technical Basis for Security Decisions, Jack Altizer, Constellation Energy
- Design and Implementation of a VR Environment for Human Reliability Assessments under Physical, Carol Smidts, Ohio State University
- Past and Future Collaborations with the LWRS Program, Bill Gross, Nuclear Energy Institute
- Using Modeling and Simulation Tools for SecurityEfficiencies, Patrick Bozym, Palo Verde