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LWR Nuclear Fuels - Reports

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Status of High Flux Isotope Reactor Irradiation of Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide Joints, Y. Katoh, T. Koyanagi, J. Kiggans, N. Cetiner, and J. McDuffee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/TM-2014/513, September 2014.Status of High Flux Isotope Reactor Irradiation of Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide Joints, Y. Katoh, T. Koyanagi, J. Kiggans, N. Cetiner, and J. McDuffee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/TM-2014/513, September 2014.Download9/1/2014
20 Gwd SiC Clad Fuel Pin Examination, R. Morris, C. Baldwin, R. Ellis, J. Giaquinto, L. Ott, J. Peterson, and J. Schmidlin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/TM-2014/102, April 2014.20 Gwd SiC Clad Fuel Pin Examination, R. Morris, C. Baldwin, R. Ellis, J. Giaquinto, L. Ott, J. Peterson, and J. Schmidlin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/TM-2014/102, April 2014.Download4/1/2014
Inter-Laboratory Test Planning Document for New ASTM C28.07 Standard for Axial Tensile Properties of Ceramic Composite Tubes, Y. Katoh and T. Gonczy, March 2014.Inter-Laboratory Test Planning Document for New ASTM C28.07 Standard for Axial Tensile Properties of Ceramic Composite Tubes, Y. Katoh and T. Gonczy, March 2014.Download3/1/2014
Materials Inventory Database for the Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program, K. Ahmed and S.M. Bragg-Sitton, INL/EXT-13-29960, August 2013.Materials Inventory Database for the Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program, K. Ahmed and S.M. Bragg-Sitton, INL/EXT-13-29960, August 2013.Download9/1/2013
Status of Silicon Carbide Joining and Irradiation Studies, Y. Katoh, J. O. Kiggans, C. Shih, T. Koyanagi, J. L. McDuffee, L.L. Snead, ORNL/TM-2013/273, July 2013.Status of Silicon Carbide Joining and Irradiation Studies, Y. Katoh, J. O. Kiggans, C. Shih, T. Koyanagi, J. L. McDuffee, L.L. Snead, ORNL/TM-2013/273, July 2013.Download7/1/2013
Evaluation of CVD and CVC SiC Reactivity towards UO2 , C. M. Silva, S. L. Voit, Y. Katoh, June 2013.Evaluation of CVD and CVC SiC Reactivity towards UO2, C. M. Silva, S. L. Voit, Y. Katoh, June 2013.Download6/1/2013
EBSD Characterization of Tubular Cladding Plasticity after Bend Testing: A Feasibility Study, I. J. van Rooyen, INL/EXT-13-28519, March 2013.EBSD Characterization of Tubular Cladding Plasticity after Bend Testing: A Feasibility Study, I. J. van Rooyen, INL/EXT-13-28519, March 2013.Download3/1/2013
Updated Probabilistic Failure Analysis for Wound Composite Ceramic Cladding Assembly, J. G. Hemrick, E. Lara-Curzio, INL/MIS-13-28798; ORNL/TM-2013/114, March 2013.Updated Probabilistic Failure Analysis for Wound Composite Ceramic Cladding Assembly, J. G. Hemrick, E. Lara-Curzio, INL/MIS-13-28798, ORNL/TM-2013/114, March 2013.Download3/1/2013
Pre-Irradiation Testing and Analysis to Support the LWRS Hybrid SiC-CMC-Zircaloy-4 Unfueled Rodlet Irradiation, I. J. van Rooyen, INL/EXT-12-27189, January 2013.Pre-Irradiation Testing and Analysis to Support the LWRS Hybrid SiC-CMC-Zircaloy-4 Unfueled Rodlet Irradiation, I. J. van Rooyen, INL/EXT-12-27189, January 2013.Download1/1/2013
Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program Advanced LWR Nuclear Fuel Cladding System Development: Technical Program Plan, S. M. Bragg-Sitton, INL/MIS-12-25696, Revision 1, December 2012.Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program Advanced LWR Nuclear Fuel Cladding System Development: Technical Program Plan, S. M. Bragg-Sitton, INL/MIS-12-25696, Revision 1, December 2012.Download12/1/2012
U.S. Department of Energy Accident-Resistant SiC Clad Nuclear Fuel Development, G.W. Griffith, INL, INL/ CON-11-23186, October 2011.U.S. Department of Energy Accident-Resistant SiC Clad Nuclear Fuel Development, G.W. Griffith, INL, INL/ CON-11-23186, October 2011.Download10/1/2011
Materials Inventory Database for the Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program, INL/EXT-13-29960, August 2013The LWRS seeks to advance the long-term reliability and productivity of existing nuclear reactors in US through multiple research pathways.Download08/20/2021
Status of Silicon Carbide Joining and Irradiation Studies, ORNL/TM-2013/273, July 2013Evaluation of potential options for accident tolerant nuclear fuel systems point to the potential benefits of silicon carbide (SiC) relative to Zr-based alloys, including increased corrosion resistance, reduced oxidation and heat of oxidation, and reduced hydrogen generation under steam attack.Download07/31/2013
Evaluation of CVD and CVC SiC Reactivity towards UO2, June 2013Results from the initial experiment that attempted to examine the fundamental chemical compatibility between UO2 and SiC and to determine the potential difference in the compatibility with UO2 between two types of SiC, namely an ultra-high purity chemically vapor-deposited (CVD) SiC and TREX CVC™ SiC.Download06/27/2013
EBSD Characterization of Tubular Cladding Plasticity after Bend Testing: A Feasibility Study, INL/EXT-13-28519, March 2013.A brief literature survey revealed no information on the effect of tubular bend test deformation on the EBSD texture analysis, although limited prior research was completed on beam (flat) samples. Specific deformation modes are not known under these conditions for tubular samples, nor are the influence of a specific sleeve or external clad on these deformation modes.Download03/30/2013
Updated Probabilistic Failure Analysis for Wound Composite Ceramic Cladding Assembly, INL/MIS-13-28798, ORNL/TM-2013/114, March 2013There is sustained interest in advanced ceramics and ceramic matrix composite assemblies based on silicon carbide (SiC) for nuclear fuel cladding applications in light water reactors (LWRs). SiC is known to possess high strength, reasonable thermal conductivity, and low chemical reactivity at high temperatures.Download03/13/2013
Pre-Irradiation Testing and Analysis to Support the LWRS Hybrid SiC-CMC-Zircaloy-4 Unfueled Rodlet Irradiation,INL/EXT-12-27189, January 2013The purpose of this report is to provide the details of selected cold characterization tests conducted at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). The specific set of characterization tests included those identified for prototype testing to ascertain neutron irradiation readiness.Download01/02/2023
Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program Advanced LWR Nuclear Fuel Cladding System Development: Technical Program Plan, INL/MIS-12-25696, Revision 1, December 2012The Advanced Light Water Reactor (LWR) Nuclear Fuel Development Research and Development (R&D) Pathway encompasses strategic research focused on improving reactor core economics and safety margins through the development of an advanced fuel cladding system.Download12/12/2012
U.S. Department of Energy Accident-Resistant SiC Clad Nuclear Fuel Development, INL/CON-11-23186, October 2011The LWRS goal is to demonstrate successful advanced fuels technology that suitable for commercial development to support nuclear relicensing. Ceramic matrix composites are an established non-nuclear technology that utilizes ceramic fibers embedded in a ceramic matrix.Download10/31/2011
Status of High Flux Isotope Reactor Irradiation of Silicon Carbide/Silicon Carbide Joints, ORNL/TM-2014/513, September 2014Development of silicon carbide (SiC) joints that retain adequate structural and functional properties in the anticipated service conditions is a critical milestone toward establishment of advanced SiC composite technology for the accident-tolerant light water reactor (LWR) fuels and core structures.Download09/20/2014
20 Gwd SiC Clad Fuel Pin Examination, ORNL/TM-2014/102, April 2014A test fuel pin, B4, composed of UO2 pellets in a SiC tube cladding with SiC end plugs cemented in place with a glassy ceramic was irradiated in a stainless steel containment capsule to a burn-up of approximately 20 GWd/MTHM in the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR).Download04/12/2014
Inter-Laboratory Test Planning Document for New ASTM C28.07 Standard for Axial Tensile Properties of Ceramic Composite Tubes, March 2014This planning document is a detailed plan for a proposed ILS study on the “Monotonic Axial Tensile Behavior of Continuous Advanced Ceramic Composite Tubular Test Specimens at Ambient Temperature” based on the guidelines of E691 and the standard C1773 Axial Tensile Strength of Ceramic Composite Tubes standard.Download03/14/2014