Risk-Informed Systems Analysis - Reports

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Assessing the Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on Nuclear Plant Power Uprate and Hydrogen Cogeneration, INL/RPT-23-74681This project researched the feasibility of increasing power output by existing nuclear power plants and demonstrated expected benefits via several case studies. The research has demonstrated that 1) incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act are highly beneficial for existing operating plants to support power uprates, and 2) the added power could be used to increase and diversify plant revenue by using the new power for electricity generation, clean hydrogen generation, or a combination of both.Download9/28/2023
Technical and Economic Considerations for Uprate of Existing Nuclear Reactors with Cogeneration, INL/EXT-24-78810This project conducted assessment of additional revenue source of oxygen which is a byproduct of electrolysis-based hydrogen generation. Oxygen is required in many industrial processes and nuclear plants can support this demand through already considered hydrogen generation coupled with nuclear power. The project also evaluated feasibility of using power added though uprates for Direct Air Capture (DAC) process for capturing CO2 which could be sequestered underground or sold to industries using CO2 for their processes. The report also looked into regional potential for nuclear-hydrogen colocation and cogeneration.Download07/01/2024
Tools And Methods to Analyze Plant Outage Schedules and Assist Schedulers in Improving Outage Resilience, INL/EXT-24-80380This report provides details on how plant resources (time and crews) can be allocated such that delays are minimized. In this respect, two classes of methods have been developed: one that focuses on the time resource and how variability in the time to complete outage tasks may impact outage delays, and one that minimizes the risk of outage delays by integrating available resources to assess when daily activities should be performed.Download09/09/2024

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Pressurized-Water Reactor Core Design Demonstration with Genetic Algorithm Based Multi-Objective Plant Fuel Reload Optimization Platform, INL/RPT-23-74498This report summarizes development and demonstration activities of the Plant Reload Optimization (PRLO) platform which aims to provide optimized core design solution during fuel reloading by using artificial intelligence technology. During FY23, the project focused on the improvement of the platform by implying multiobjective and multiphysics problem solver to handle large size of objectives and constraints and its demonstration. The platform is now fully capable to produce optimized nuclear reactor core design along with the system safety and fuel performance analysis results which are required for the licensing during fuel reloading.Download9/12/2023
A Full-scale Demonstration of Pressurized Water Reactor Core Design Optimization using Multi-Cycle Optimization Methodology, INL/RPT-24-80449 In this fiscal year, the PRLO framework, in which the Risk Analysis Virtual Environment (RAVEN) plays a pivotal role, has been upgraded to include optimization capabilities for n-th cycle and consecutive cycles for a PWR. As part of this enhancement, the RAVEN-SIMULATE3 interface was expanded to handle fuel label maps in addition to just fuel types, enabling the optimization process to account for fuel assemblies from previous cycles.Download9/13/2024
Development of Genetic Algorithm Based Multi-Objective Plant Reload Optimization Platform, INL/RPT-23-71667The purpose of this report is to develop and demonstrate artificial intelligence (i.e., Genetic Algorithm) based nuclear reactor fuel reloading optimization platform by integrating the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II). This allowed solving the multi-objective optimization framework for realistic plant reload optimization problem with improved termination criteria, constraints handling and active subspaces. Demonstrations were performed with verification test and benchmark case.Download3/27/2023
Development of Plant Reload Optimization Platform Capabilities for Core Design and Fuel Performance Analysis, INL/RPT-22-70382The Plant Reload Optimization Platform development project aims to build a reactor core design tool that includes reactor safety and fuel performance analyses, and also uses artificial intelligence to support optimization of core design solutions.Download12/31/2022
Development and Demonstration of a Risk-Informed Approach to the Regulatory Required Fuel Reload Safety Analysis, INL/RPT-22-68628Development and Demonstration of a Risk-Informed Approach to the Regulatory Required Fuel Reload Safety Analysis.Download8/22/2022
Demonstration of the Plant Fuel Reload Process Optimization for an Operating PWR, INL/EXT-21-64549This report summarizes the research outcomes in FY-2021, which the project progressed from the planning and methodology development phase to the early demonstration phase.Download9/30/2021
RISA Plant Reload Process Optimization: Development of design basis accident methods for plant reload license optimization, INL/EXT-20-59614RISA Plant Reload Process Optimization: Development of design basis accident methods for plant reload license optimization, INL/EXT-20-59614Download8/9/2020
Human Unimodel for Nuclear Technology to Enhance Reliability (HUNTER 3.0) User Guide, INL/RPT-24-80110The HUNTER software was finalized into a releasable executable software application, coupled to the existing software called the Rancor Microworld Simulator. Rancor-HUNTER provides a built-in simulator to allow the virtual HUNTER operator to simulate human performance across nuclear power plant scenarios. The user guide provides features and background on both Rancor and HUNTER, as well as documentation of a demonstration scenario.Download09/15/2024
A Full-scale Demonstration of Pressurized Water Reactor Core Design Optimization using Multi-Cycle Optimization Methodology, INL/RPT-24-80449In this fiscal year, the PRLO framework, in which the Risk Analysis Virtual Environment (RAVEN) plays a pivotal role, has been upgraded to include optimization capabilities for n-th cycle and consecutive cycles for a PWR. As part of this enhancement, the RAVEN-SIMULATE3 interface was expanded to handle fuel label maps in addition to just fuel types, enabling the optimization process to account for fuel assemblies from previous cycles.Download09/13/2024

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Development of Analysis Methods that Integrate Numeric and Textual Equipment Reliability Data, INL/RPT-23-74530In this report we show in detail how the integration and reasoning from numeric and textual ER data elements is performed. First, we present the developed library of MBSE models that focus on common NPP systems and assets. Then we show the development of computational methods designed to process and analyze numeric and textual ER data elements simultaneously.Download09/05/2023
Application of Margin-Based Methods to Assess System Health, INL/RPT-22-70361Health management of complex systems such as nuclear power plants is an essential task to guarantee system reliability. This task can be greatly enhanced by constantly monitoring asset status/performances, and processing such data (through anomaly detection, diagnostic, and prognostic computational algorithms) to identify asset degradation trends and faulty states.Download12/15/2022
Bridging Equipment Reliability Data and Robust Decisions in a Plant Operation Context, INL/RPT-22-67670This report shows the latest improvements on the three main research areas that the risk-informed asset management project is focusing on: equipment reliability data analytics, system reliability modeling, and plant resource optimization methods. It is discussed in the report how the methods developed in these areas can support predictive maintenance strategies by identifying the most critical components and setting an optimal maintenance schedule based on plant economic and operational constraints.Download06/07/2022
Industry Use Cases for Risk-Informed System Health and Asset Management, INL/EXT-21-64377Industry Use Cases for Risk-Informed System Health and Asset Management, INL-EXT-21-64377Download09/29/2021
Development and Release of the Methods and Tools for Risk-Informed Asset Management, INL/EXT-21-63255Development and Release of the Methods and Tools for Risk-Informed Asset Management, INL/EXT-21-63255Download07/26/2021
Development and Application of a Risk Analysis Toolkit for Plant Resources Optimization, INL/EXT-20-59942Development and Application of a Risk Analysis Toolkit for Plant Resources Optimization, INL/EXT-20-5994Download09/21/2020
Integration of Data Analytics with Plant System Health Program, INL/EXT-20-59928Integration of Data Analytics with Plant System Health Program, INL-EXT-20-59928Download09/21/2020
Combined Data Analytics and Risk Analysis Tool for Long Term Capital SSC Refurbishment and Replacement, INL/EXT-19-55819Combined Data Analytics and Risk Analysis Tool for Long Term Capital SSC Refurbishment and Replacement, INL-EXT-19-55819Download09/21/2019
Plant Integral Risk-informed System Health Program, INL/EXT-19-55808Plant Integral Risk-informed System Health Program, INL-EXT-19-55808Download09/20/2019
CRAFT An Integrated Risk Analysis Tool and its Application in an Industry Use Case, INL/EXT-18-51442Cost Risk Analysis Framework (CRAFT) An Integrated Risk Analysis Tool and its Application in an Industry Use Case, INL/EXT-18-51442Download09/26/2018
Data Analysis Approaches for the Risk-Informed Safety Margins Characterization Toolkit, INL/EXT-16-39851Data Analysis Approaches for the Risk-Informed Safety Margins Characterization Toolkit, INL/EXT-16-39851Download09/01/2016
Improved Sampling Algorithms in the Risk-Informed Safety Margin Characterization Toolkit, INL/EXT-15-35933Improved Sampling Algorithms in the Risk-Informed Safety Margin Characterization Toolkit, INL-EXT-15-35933Download08/01/2015
Technical Language Processing of Nuclear Power Plants Equipment Reliability DataNuclear power plants produce a large amount of equipment reliability data during their regular maintenance operations. Using this data, this newly-developed methodology first cleans up this information and then uses customized technical natural language processing, a type of machine learning, to identify the physical asset, like a pump or motor, a specific phenomenon happening in that asset, like a cracked valve, and what the likely effects will be.Download05/15/2024

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
An Integrated Framework for Risk Assessment of Safety-related Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants: Methodology Refinement and Exploration, INL/RPT-23-74412In FY 2023, this project focused on enhancing software common cause failure (CCF) modeling and risk assessment methods for digital instrumentation and control (DI&C) systems. The goal is to strengthen the methodology for assessing safety-related DI&C systems. The proposed framework and methods have been refined through feedback from industrial partners and previous technical peer reviews. A modification to the CCF approach within the proposed framework improves its ability to model and evaluate software CCFs in diverse DI&C systems. This project also investigated new methodologies for assessing human system interfaces, conducting dynamic probabilistic risk analyses on CCF evaluation, and evaluating the reliability of potential machine learning models integrated into DI&C systems. These efforts aim to provide a more comprehensive assessment of various safety-related DI&C design architectures.Download9/15/2023
Summary of Technical Peer Review on the Risk Assessment Framework proposed in Report INL/RPT-22-68656 for Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems, INL/RPT-23-71699The objective of this technical peer review is to obtain representative feedback on the proposed framework to improve the technical qualities of its methodology and readiness for deployment to the industry. Feedback may identify potential areas for improvement and further development. The subject-matter experts were invited to review the latest project report documenting the methodology developed in the project and provide evaluations of the technical qualities of the proposed framework and relevant methods.Download4/27/2023
Risk Analysis of Various Design Architectures for High Safety-Significant Safety-Related Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems of Nuclear Power Plants During Accident Scenarios, INL/RPT-22-70056In FY 2019, the RISA Pathway initiated a project to develop a risk assessment strategy for delivering a technical basis to support effective and secure DI&C technologies for digital upgrades/designsDownload11/24/2022
An Integrated Framework for Risk Assessment of High Safety-Significant Safety-Related Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants: Methodology and Demonstration, INL/RPT-22-68656An Integrated Framework for Risk Assessment of High Safety-significant Safety-related Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants: Methodology and Demonstration.Download9/20/2022
Quantitative Risk Analysis of High Safety significant Safety-related Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants using IRADIC Technology, INL/EXT-21-64039Quantitative Risk Analysis of High Safety significant Safety-related Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants using IRADIC Technology, INL/EXT-21-64039Download8/31/2021
Redundancy-guided System-theoretic Hazard and Reliability Analysis of Safety related Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-20-59550Redundancy-guided System-theoretic Hazard and Reliability Analysis of Safety related Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-20-59550Download8/15/2020
An Integrated Framework for Risk Assessment of Safety-related Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants: Methodology Advancement and Application, INL/RPT-24-80888FY24 activities for the DOE LWRS Program’s RISA Pathway and DI&C Risk Assessment project aimed to optimize safety margins and minimize uncertainties. The goal was to achieve economic efficiencies while maintaining high safety levels by providing a scientific basis and developing technologies to reduce operating costs.Download09/20/2024

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Methods and Feature Enhancements for Industry Use of EMRALD, INL/RPT-23-74447EMRALD is a dynamic PRA tool developed by the Idaho National Laboratory. It is an open-source tool that has been used for many research projects along with more recent academic and industry projects.Download9/6/2023
Dynamic and Classical PRA Coupling using EMRALD and SAPHIRE, INL/RPT-22-70424Both classical and dynamic probabilistic risk assessment tools are valuable for different kinds of analysis. Typically, one or the other is used depending on the scenario and the limitations of the tool. Often, the results of one are used as a parameter in the other. This research looks at the possible methods for combining classical and dynamic analyses by coupling EMRALD and SAPHIRE. This was initial exploratory research to evaluate methods and determine how the tools could be coupled. A short background of SAPHIRE and its solving methods is provided, along with information on EMRALD to help understand the correlation between the two types of modeling.Download12/15/2022
Integration of Physical Security Simulation Software Applications in a Dynamic Risk Framework, INL/EXT-21-64333Integration of Physical Security Simulation Software Applications in a Dynamic Risk Framework, INL/EXT-21-64333Download8/16/2021
Methodology and Application of Physical Security Effectiveness Based on Dynamic Force-on-Force Modeling, INL/EXT-20-59891Methodology and Application of Physical Security Effectiveness Based on Dynamic Force-on-Force Modeling, INL/EXT-20-59891Download9/4/2020
Integration of FLEX Equipment and Operator Actions in Plant Force-On-Force Models with Dynamic Risk Assessment, INL/EXT-20-59510Integration of FLEX Equipment and Operator Actions in Plant Force-On-Force Models with Dynamic Risk Assessment, INL/EXT-20-59510Download8/4/2020
Status of Adaptive Surrogates within the RAVEN Framework, INL/EXT-17-43438The RAVEN code has been under development at the Idaho National Laboratory since 2012. Its main goal is to create a multi-purpose platform for the deploying of all the capabilities needed for Probabilistic Risk Assessment, uncertainty quantification, data mining analysis and optimization studies.Download9/20/2017
A Simulation Based Dynamic Analysis Approach for Modeling Total Plant Response to Flooding Events, INL/EXT-17-40928A Simulation-Based Dynamic Analysis Approach for Modeling Total Plant Response to Flooding Events, RIL 2022-03 INL/EXT-17 40928Download2/22/2017
System Reliability Analysis Capability and Surrogate Model Application in RAVEN, INL/EXT-16-37243This report describes the effort performed to improve the analysis capabilities of the RAVEN code. These efforts include improving the reliability (or “limit”) surface search of the RAVEN code and exploring new opportunities in usage of surrogate models by extending the current RAVEN capabilities to multi-physics surrogate models construction for high-dimensionality problems.Download11/13/2015
Advanced probabilistic risk analysis using RAVEN and RELAP-7, INL/EXT-14-32491Advanced probabilistic risk analysis using RAVEN and RELAP-7, INL/EXT-14-32491Download6/26/2014
Support and Modeling for the Boiling Water Reactor Station Black Out Case Study Using RELAP and RAVEN, INL/EXT-13-30203The existing fleet of nuclear power plants is in the process of extending its lifetime and increasing the power generated from these plants via power uprates. In order to evaluate the impact of these two factors on the safety of the plant, the RISMC project aims to provide insight to decision-makers through a series of simulations of the plant dynamics for different initial conditions.Download9/20/2013
Reactor analysis and virtual control environment (RAVEN) FY12, INL/EXT-12-27351RAVEN is a complex software tool that has functionality spanning from being the RELAP-7 user interface, to using RELAP-7 to perform Risk Informed Safety Characterization (RISMC), and to controlling RELAP-7 calculation execution.Download9/2/2012
Upgrade of EMRALD to a Modern JavaScript-based Framework, INL/RPT-24-78713Event Modeling Risk Assessment using Linked Diagrams (EMRALD) is a software tool developed at Idaho National Laboratory for researching the capabilities of dynamic probabilistic risk assessment. It provides a simple interface to represent complex interactions often seen when developing dynamic models. This report goes over the work performed as part of the Risk-Informed Systems Analysis Pathway under the Light Water Reactor Sustainability program to upgrade the EMRALD software.Download06/27/2024

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Safety Analysis of FeCrAl Accident-Tolerant Fuels with Increased Enrichment and Extended Burnup for PWR, INL/RPT-23-74731As part of this pathway, the Enhanced Resilient Plant project refers to an NPP where safety is improved by implementing various measures, such as accident-tolerant fuels, diverse and flexible coping strategies, enhancements to plant components and systems, incorporation of augmented or new passive cooling systems, and utilization of advanced battery technologies.Download9/27/2023
Automated Knowledge Extraction from Plant Records to Support Predictive Maintenance, INL/RPT-24-78817This report summarizes the activities performed within the advanced modeling and data analytics project during Fiscal Year 2024 in collaboration with a nuclear power utility. Our work activities focused on a fairly unique task: the analysis and integration of ER data in all its forms, numeric and textual.Download07/01/2024
Assessment of Modeling and Simulation Technical Gaps in Safety Analysis of High-Burnup Accident-Tolerant Fuels, INL/RPT-23-70844Many U.S. utilities are targeting implementation of ATFs instead of traditional fuel in the near future since ATFs offer benefits in terms of improved performance and cost savings. The robust properties of ATF make it possible to extend the refueling cycle from 18 to 24 months in addition to the opportunity to use less of fuel.Download1/30/2023
Safety Analysis for Accident-Tolerant Fuels with Increased Enrichment and Extended Burnup, INL/RPT-22–68581The ERP R&D efforts in fiscal year (FY) 2022 focused on safety analyses of ATFs with increased enrichment and extended burnup to provide scientific knowledge of the ATF fuel performance, failure mechanisms, and resulting from fuel failure source terms during a severe accident, INL/RPT-22–68581Download8/14/2022
Risk-Informed Analysis for Enhanced Resilient Nuclear Power Plant with Initiatives including ATF, FLEX, and Advanced Battery Technology, INL/EXT-21-64546Risk-Informed Analysis for Enhanced Resilient Nuclear Power Plant with Initiatives including ATF, FLEX, and Advanced Battery Technology, INL/EXT-21-64546Download9/28/2021
Risk-Informed ATF and FLEX Analysis for an Enhanced Resilient BWR Under Design-Basis and Beyond-Design-Basis Accidents, INL/EXT-20-59906Risk-Informed ATF and FLEX Analysis for an Enhanced Resilient BWR Under Design-Basis and Beyond-Design-Basis Accidents, INL/EXT-20-59906Download9/29/2020
Development of RELAP5-3D Modeling of RCIC System, INL/EXT-20-59819Development of RELAP5-3D Modeling of Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) System, INL/EXT-20-59819, H. Zhang, C. Blakley, September 2020.Download9/21/2020
Evaluation of the Benefits of ATF, FLEX, and Passive Cooling System for an Enhanced Resilient PWR Model, INL/EXT-19-56215Evaluation of the Benefits of ATF, FLEX, and Passive Cooling System for an Enhanced Resilient PWR Model, INL/EXT-19-56215Download10/17/2019
Fuel Rod Burst Potential Evaluation under LOCA Conditions for an Existing Plant with Extended Burnup Exceeding the Current Limit by 20%, INL/EXT-19-55888Fuel Rod Burst Potential Evaluation under LOCA Conditions for an Existing Plant with Extended Burnup Exceeding the Current Limit by 20%, INL/EXT-19-55888Download9/20/2019
Risk-Informed Analysis for an Enhanced Resilient PWR with ATF, FLEX, and Passive Cooling, INL/EXT-19-53556Risk-Informed Analysis for an Enhanced Resilient PWR with ATF, FLEX, and Passive Cooling, INL/EXT-19-53556Download8/29/2019
Industry Application ECCS/LOCA Integrated Cladding/Emergency Core Cooling System Performance: Demonstration of LOTUS-Baseline Coupled Analysis of the South Texas Plant Model, INL/EXT-17-42461Industry Application ECCS/LOCA Integrated Cladding/Emergency Core Cooling System Performance: Demonstration of LOTUS-Baseline Coupled Analysis of the South Texas Plant Model, INL/EXT-17-42461Download6/18/2017
Industry Application Emergency Core Cooling System Cladding Accept Criteria Problem Statement, INL/EXT-15-35073Industry Application Emergency Core Cooling System Cladding Acceptance Criteria Problem Statement, INL/EXT-15-35073Download5/1/2015
Accident Tolerant Fuel Analysis, INL/EXT-14-33200Accident Tolerant Fuel Analysis, INL/EXT-14-33200Download9/1/2014
Tools And Methods to Analyze Plant Outage Schedules and Assist Schedulers in Improving Outage Resilience, INL/EXT-24-80380This report provides details on how plant resources (time and crews) can be allocated such that delays are minimized. In this respect, two classes of methods have been developed: one that focuses on the time resource and how variability in the time to complete outage tasks may impact outage delays, and one that minimizes the risk of outage delays by integrating available resources to assess when daily activities should be performed.Download09/09/2024
Safety Analysis of Chromium-Coated Accident-Tolerant Fuels with Increased Enrichment and Extended Burnup for PWRs, INL/RPT-24-77203This report documents research and development conducted in support of deploying accident-tolerant fuels. Specifically, the performance of chromium coating during a beyond design basis accident was investigated. An 18-month reference core was considered, and the performance of cases with and without chromium coating was compared. An extended cycle length of 24-month was then considered with the chromium coating to determine whether the benefit of using the chromium coating was more or less significant than the increased fission product inventory when considering fission product release.Download3/27/2024
Use of Time Distributions to Predict Operator Procedure Performance in Dynamic Human Reliability Analysis, INL/RPT-24-78875The current analysis was performed to investigate time distributions for task primitives, which are the minimum task unit of analysis used in dynamic HRA modeling. Using the time distribution data, the elapsed time for human actions in an extended loss of AC power (ELAP) scenario is then investigated. Time data and prediction are essential for modeling procedure performance.Download06/27/2024

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
EMRALD-HUNTER: An Embedded Dynamic Human Reliability Analysis Module for Probabilistic Risk Assessment, INL/RPT-23-72783EMRALD is a software package for dynamic probabilistic risk assessment, while HUNTER is a tool for modeling human reliability analysis. The integration of these tools, known as EMRALD-HUNTER, enables streamlined risk modeling for both plant systems and human operator reliability, incorporating human reliability analysis into dynamic probabilistic risk assessment models.Download5/31/2023
Human Unimodel for Nuclear Technology to Enhance Reliability (HUNTER) Demonstration: Part 2, Model Runs of Operational Scenarios, INL/RPT-22-70076The purpose of this report is to demonstrate two additional operational scenarios modeled in HUNTER: startup and loss of feedwater. The report also documents additional features in HUNTER accomplished through coupling it with the Rancor Microworld Simulator.Download11/15/2022
HUNTER Demonstration: Part 1, Empirical Data Collection of Operational Scenarios, INL/RPT-22-69167Human Unimodel for Nuclear Technology to Enhance Reliability (HUNTER) Demonstration: Part 1, Empirical Data Collection of Operational Scenarios.Download9/15/2022
Software Implementation and Demonstration of the HUNTER, INL/RPT-22-66564Software Implementation and Demonstration of the Human Unimodel for Nuclear Technology to Enhance Reliability (HUNTER)Download3/31/2022
An Adaptable Software Toolkit for Dynamic Human Reliability Analysis: Progress Toward HUNTER 2, INL/EXT-21-64525The report concludes with a discussion of future activities. One area of considerable focus is ensuring additional scenarios are modeled to support emerging industry needs for human reliability analysisDownload9/30/2021
Integration of Human Reliability Analysis Models into the Simulation-Based Framework,  INL/EXT-16-39015Integration of Human Reliability Analysis Models into the Simulation-Based Framework, INL/EXT-16-39015Download6/1/2016
Proof-of-Concept Demonstrations for Computation-Based Human Reliability Analysis: Modeling Operator Performance During Flooding Scenarios, INL/EXT-15-36741Proof-of-Concept Demonstrations for Computation-Based Human Reliability Analysis: Modeling Operator Performance During Flooding Scenarios, INL-EXT-15-36741Download9/1/2015
A Research Roadmap for Computation-Based Human Reliability Analysis, INL/EXT-15-36051A Research Roadmap for Computation-Based Human Reliability Analysis, INL-EXT-15-36051Download7/1/2015
Simulation and Non-Simulation Based Human Reliability Analysis Approaches, INL/EXT-14-33903Simulation and Non-Simulation Based Human Reliability Analysis Approaches, INL-EXT-14-33903Download9/1/2014
Use of Time Distributions to Predict Operator Procedure Performance in Dynamic Human Reliability Analysis, INL/RPT-24-78875The current analysis was performed to investigate time distributions for task primitives, which are the minimum task unit of analysis used in dynamic HRA modeling. Using the time distribution data, the elapsed time for human actions in an extended loss of AC power (ELAP) scenario is then investigated. Time data and prediction are essential for modeling procedure performance.Download07/01/2024
Human Unimodel for Nuclear Technology to Enhance Reliability (HUNTER 3.0) User Guide, INL/RPT-24-80110The HUNTER software was finalized into a releasable executable software application, coupled to the existing software called the Rancor Microworld Simulator. Rancor-HUNTER provides a built-in simulator to allow the virtual HUNTER operator to simulate human performance across nuclear power plant scenarios. The user guide provides features and background on both Rancor and HUNTER, as well as documentation of a demonstration scenario.Download9/15/2024

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Novel Approaches and Technologies for Aging Management, INL/RPT-23-74593This report describes R&D within the Risk-informed System Analysis pathway that was focused on risk-informed and performance-based approaches for aging management of buried piping, specifically managing selective leaching degradation phenomena. Selective leaching is a commonly occurring aging and degradation mechanism in buried pipes at nuclear power plants. To better understand the extent of selective leaching and its effect on the health of buried components, the licensees currently rely on visual inspections and destructive examinations which require extraction of multiple buried components, e.g., pipes. This research explored technological solutions that may replace or supplement existing inefficient, costly, and labor-intensive methods used in aging management.Download9/26/2023
Simplified Cost-Benefit Analysis of Subsequent License Renewal, INL/RPT-23-03359This report provides areas where the cost, time, and resource efforts may be reduced with additional analytical evaluation, model changes, inspection technique changes, and a review of past inspection results.Download5/31/2023

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Tools and Methods for Optimization of Nuclear Plant Outages, INL/RPT-23-74439This research focused on the initial development and demonstration of tools and methods supporting outage activities to manage activities effectively with the goal to minimize outage time.Download9/8/2023

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
FRI3D Industry Adoption and Verification Tasks, INL/RPT-23-74213 This report outlines several updates and additions that were made to help meet industry needs before it can be fully transferred to an industry partner for commercial use. Examples include software verification features and a library of commercially used fire sources. This report also goes over work for industry adoption, including a fire analys is pilot study done for a nuclear power plant modification. This pilot study showed a time comparison between using FRI3D and current methods used by fire analysis experts and an evaluation from the experts on the potential for use by industry.Download8/28/2023
FRI3D Fire Simulation Options and Verification Tasks, INL/RPT-23-70843The Fire Risk Investigation in 3D (FRI3D) software was developed at the Idaho National Laboratory under the Risk-Informs System Analysis pathway under the Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program. This software combines the multiple tools used by industry for fire modeling with the plant risk analysis and 3D spatial information.Download1/31/2023
Industry Level Integrated FRI3D, INL/EXT-21-64079Industry Level Integrated Fire Modeling Using Fire Risk Investigation in 3D (FRI3D), INL/EXT-21-6407Download8/15/2021
FRI3D Tool and Methods Demonstration for Enhanced Fire Modeling, INL/EXT-20-59506Fire Risk Investigation in 3D (FRI3D) Tool and Methods Demonstration for Enhanced Fire Modeling, INL/EXT-20-59506Download8/22/2020
Risk Importance Ranking of Fire Data Parameters to Enhance Fire PRA Model Realism, INL/EXT-20-00212Risk Importance Ranking of Fire Data Parameters to Enhance Fire PRA Model Realism, INL/EXT-20-00212Download5/11/2020
Industry Fire Modeling Enhancement Tools and Methods, INL/EXT-19-54414Industry Fire Modeling Enhancement Tools and Methods, INL/EXT-19-54414Download6/18/2019
RISA Dynamic Fire PRA Roadmap, INL/EXT-18-44926Risk-Informed Systems Analysis (RISA) Dynamic Fire PRA Roadmap, INL/EXT-18-44926Download3/27/2018

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Industry Level Feasibility of LiDAR Data into FRI3D, INL/RPT-22-67714This report presents Idaho National Lab’s work with Environmental Intellect (Ei) covering two main efforts. First, to reduce the effort of “tagging” data in large 3D models. By using both existing plant database information and artificial intelligence (AI) to find and read equipment labels. This research explores the ability to provide a simple way for the user to tag items and verify plant data, capturing both the speed of AI and human verification.Download7/25/2022
Investigating Application of LiDAR for Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-21-64452Investigating Application of LiDAR for Nuclear Power Plants, INL/EXT-21-64452Download9/27/2021

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Modeling and Simulation Efforts in Fiscal Year 2021 Extended Period of Performance – Final Report, SAND2021-781Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Modeling and Simulation Efforts in Fiscal Year 2021 Extended Period of Performance – Final Report, SAND2021-781Download7/1/2021
Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Modeling and Simulation Efforts in Fiscal Year 2020 – Progress Report, SAND2020-9368Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Modeling and Simulation Efforts in Fiscal Year 2020 – Progress Report, SAND2020-9368Download9/21/2020
Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Modeling and Full-Scale Test Development Efforts in Fiscal Year 2019 – Progress Report, SAND2019-13423Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Modeling and Full-Scale Test Development Efforts in Fiscal Year 2019 – Progress Report, SAND2019-13423Download10/10/2019
Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Full-Scale Integral Long-Term Low-Pressure Experiments – Preliminary Test Plan, INL/EXT-18-51442Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Full-Scale Integral Long-Term Low-Pressure Experiments – Preliminary Test Plan, SAND2018-12965Download1/5/2019

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Modeling and Simulation Efforts in Fiscal Year 2021 Extended Period of Performance – Final Report, SAND2021-781Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Modeling and Simulation Efforts in Fiscal Year 2021 Extended Period of Performance – Final Report, SAND2021-781Download7/1/2021
Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Modeling and Simulation Efforts in Fiscal Year 2020 – Progress Report, SAND2020-9368Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Modeling and Simulation Efforts in Fiscal Year 2020 – Progress Report, SAND2020-9368Download9/21/2020
Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Modeling and Full-Scale Test Development Efforts in Fiscal Year 2019 – Progress Report, SAND2019-13423Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Modeling and Full-Scale Test Development Efforts in Fiscal Year 2019 – Progress Report, SAND2019-13423Download10/10/2019
Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Full-Scale Integral Long-Term Low-Pressure Experiments – Preliminary Test Plan, INL/EXT-18-51442Terry Turbopump Expanded Operating Band Full-Scale Integral Long-Term Low-Pressure Experiments – Preliminary Test Plan, SAND2018-12965Download1/5/2019

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Risk-Informed Initiating Events Accident Response, INL/RPT-22-68669Opportunities exist to make plants’ regulatory compliance processes more efficient which can be done by decreasing reliance on deterministic and prescriptive approaches and expansion of the use of risk-informed and performance-based approaches to demonstrate reactor safety. In this report, we researched possibilities of economic benefits potentially available from the application of concepts associated with a modernized regulatory framework developed for advanced reactors to the existing light water reactors. As the result, we have identified multiple areas of existing plant operations where modernization of compliance activities can offer substantial economic benefits. Additional research is needed to demonstrate these expected benefits using case studies conducted in collaboration with utilities.Download8/30/2022
RISA Pathway Industry Application Pilot Demonstration Projects – Edition 2019, INL/EXT-19-54449Risk-Informed Systems Analysis (RISA) Pathway Industry Application Pilot Demonstration Projects – Edition 2019, INL/EXT-19-54449Download6/18/2019
A Strategic Approach to Employ Risk-Informed Methods to Enable Margin Recovery of Nuclear Power Plants Operating Margins, INL/EXT-18-51491A Strategic Approach to Employ Risk-Informed Methods to Enable Margin Recovery of Nuclear Power Plants Operating Margins, INL/EXT-18-51491Download9/20/2018
RISA Industry Use Case Analysis, INL/EXT-18-51012RISA Industry Use Case Analysis, INL/EXT-18-51012Download8/26/2018
Risk-Informed Analysis of Commercial Nuclear Reactors: the RISMC Approach and 10CFR50.69, INL/LTD-17-43208Risk-Informed Analysis of Commercial Nuclear Reactors: the RISMC Approach and 10CFR50.69, INL/LTD-17-43208Download9/20/2017
Nuclear Power Plant Mechanical Component Flooding Fragility Experiments FY-2017 Report, INL/EXT-17-43439Nuclear Power Plant Mechanical Component Flooding Fragility Experiments FY-2017 Report, INL/EXT-17-43439Download9/18/2017
Advanced Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment Methodology: Development of Beta 1.0 MASTODON Toolset, INL/EXT-17-43148Advanced Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment Methodology: Development of Beta 1.0 MASTODON Toolset, INL/EXT-17-43148Download8/18/2017
Nuclear Power Plant Mechanical Component Flooding Fragility Experiments Status, INL/EXT-17-42728Nuclear Power Plant Mechanical Component Flooding Fragility Experiments Status, INL/EXT-17-42728Download7/28/2017
Risk-Informed External Hazards Analysis for Seismic and Flooding Phenomena for a Generic PWR , NL/EXT-17-42666Risk-Informed External Hazards Analysis for Seismic and Flooding Phenomena for a Generic PWR, INL/EXT-17-42666Download7/28/2017
Smoothed-particle Hydrodynamics, INL/EXT-16-40614Smoothed-particle Hydrodynamics based Wind Representation, INL/EXT-16-40614Download12/19/2016
Flooding Fragility Experiments and Prediction, INL/EXT-16-39963Flooding Fragility Experiments and Prediction, INL/EXT-16-39963Download9/1/2016
Loss of Coolant Accident Emergency Core Collant System Evaluation of Risk-informed Margins Management Strategies for a Representative Pressurized Water Reactor, INL/EXT-16-39805Loss of Coolant Accident Emergency Core Coolant System Evaluation of Risk-informed Margins Management Strategies for a Representative Pressurized Water Reactor, INL/EXT-16-39805Download9/1/2016
Multi-Hazard Advanced Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment Tools and Applications, INL/EXT-16-4005Multi-Hazard Advanced Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment Tools and Applications, INL/EXT-16-4005Download9/1/2016
RELAP-7 Software Verification and Validation Plan, INL/EXT-16-40015RELAP-7 Software Verification and Validation Plan, INL/EXT-16-40015Download9/1/2016
Demonstration of External Hazards Analysis, INL/EXT-16-39353Demonstration of External Hazards Analysis, INL/EXT-16-39353Download7/1/2016
Large Scale Laminar Box Test Plan, INL/EXT-16-39479Large Scale Laminar Box Test Plan, INL/EXT-16-39479Download7/1/2016
Plan to Verify and Validate Multi-Hazard Risk-Informed Margin Management Methods and Tools, INL/EXT-16-39195Plan to Verify and Validate Multi-Hazard Risk-Informed Margin Management Methods and Tools, INL/EXT-16-39195Download7/1/2016
Status of the Flooding Fragility Testing Development, INL/EXT-16-39115Status of the Flooding Fragility Testing Development, INL/EXT-16-39115Download6/1/2016
R&D Plan for RISMC Industry Application #1: ECCS/LOCA Cladding Acceptance Criteria, INL/EXT-16-38231R&D Plan for RISMC Industry Application #1: ECCS/LOCA Cladding Acceptance Criteria, INL/EXT-16-38231Download4/1/2016
RISMC Toolkit and Methodology Research and Development Plan for External Hazards Analysis, INL/EXT-16-38089RISMC Toolkit and Methodology Research and Development Plan for External Hazards Analysis, INL/EXT-16-38089Download3/1/2016
Development Plan for the External Hazards Experimental Group, INL/EXT-16-38328Development Plan for the External Hazards Experimental Group, INL/EXT-16-38328Download3/1/2016
System Reliability Analysis Capability and Surrogate Model Application in RAVEN, INL/EXT-16-37243System Reliability Analysis Capability and Surrogate Model Application in RAVEN, INL/EXT-16-37243Download11/30/2015
Initial Probabilistic Evaluation of Reactor Pressure Vessel Fracture with Grizzly and RAVEN, INL/EXT-15-37121Fracture with Grizzly and RAVEN, B. Spencer, W. Hoffman, S. Sen, C. Rabiti, T. Dickson, R. Bass, INL/EXT-15-37121Download10/17/2015
Flooding Capability for River-based Scenarios, INL/EXT-15-37901Flooding Capability for River-based Scenarios, INL/EXT-15-37901Download10/2/2015
Industry Application Emergency Core Cooling System Cladding Acceptance Criteria Early Demonstration, INL/EXT-15-36541Industry Application Emergency Core Cooling System Cladding Acceptance Criteria Early Demonstration,  INL-EXT-15-36541Download9/1/2015
Reduced Order Model Implementation in the Risk-Informed Safety Margin Characterization Toolkit INL/EXT-15-36649Reduced Order Model Implementation in the Risk-Informed Safety Margin Characterization Toolkit, INL-EXT-15-36649Download9/1/2015
Advanced Seismic Fragility Modeling using Nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis, INL/EXT-15-36735Advanced Seismic Fragility Modeling using Nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis, INL-EXT-15-36735Download9/1/2015
Progress on the Industry Application External Hazard Analyses Early Demonstration, INL/EXT-15-36749Progress on the Industry Application External Hazard Analyses Early Demonstration, INL-EXT-15-36749Download9/1/2015
Dynamic Event Tree Advancements and Control Logic Improvements, INL/EXT-15-36758Dynamic Event Tree Advancements and Control Logic Improvements, INL-EXT-15-36758Download9/1/2015
3D Simulation of External Flooding for the RISMC Pathway, INL/EXT-15-367733D Simulation of External Flooding Events for the RISMC Pathway, INL-EXT-15-36773Download9/1/2015
Demonstration of Coupled Multievent Scenario at a Nuclear Power Plant, INL/EXT-15-36801Demonstration of Coupled Multievent Scenario at a Nuclear Power Plant, INL-EXT-15-36801Download9/1/2015
Industry Application External Hazard Analyses Problem Statement, INL/EXT-15-36101Industry Application External Hazard Analyses Problem Statement, INL-EXT-15-36101Download7/1/2015
Advanced Seismic Soil Structure Modeling, INL/EXT-15-35687Advanced Seismic Soil Structure Modeling, INL/EXT-15-35687Download6/1/2015
Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program Seismic Data Gathering and Validation, INL/EXT-15-34425Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program Seismic Data Gathering and Validation, INL/EXT-15-34425Download2/1/2015
Risk-Informed Safety Margin Characterization Methods Development Work, INL/EXT-14-33191This report presents several analyses that demonstrate the value of the RISMC approach in order to assess risk associated with nuclear power plants (NPPs). We focus on simulation-based PRA which, in contrast to classical PRA, heavily employs system simulator codes. First, we compare, these two types of analyses, classical and RISMC, for a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Station Black Out (SBO) initiating event.Download9/20/2014
Case Study for Enhanced Accident Tolerance Design Changes, INL/EXT-14-32355Case Study for Enhanced Accident Tolerance Design Changes, S. Prescott, INL/EXT-14-32355Download9/1/2014
Refined Boiling Water Reactor Station Blackout Simulation with RELAP-7, INL/EXT-14-33162Refined Boiling Water Reactor Station Blackout Simulation with RELAP-7, INL/EXT-14-33162Download9/1/2014
RISMC Advanced Safety Analysis Project Plan FY2015–FY2019, INL/EXT-14-33186RISMC Advanced Safety Analysis Project Plan FY2015–FY2019, INL-EXT-14-33186Download9/1/2014
Risk-Informed Safety Margin Characterization Methods Development Work, INL/EXT-14-33191Risk-Informed Safety Margin Characterization Methods Development Work, INL/EXT-14-33191Download9/1/2014
Demonstration of NonLinear Seismic Soil Structure Interaction and Applicability to New System Fragility Seismic Curves, INL/EXT-14-33222Demonstration of NonLinear Seismic Soil Structure Interaction and Applicability to New System Fragility Seismic Curves,  INL/EXT-14-33222Download9/1/2014
Advanced Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment Demonstration Project Plan, INL/EXT-14-33302Advanced Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment Demonstration Project Plan, INL/EXT-14-33302Download9/1/2014
Prototype Consequence Modeling Tool Based Upon the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) SoftwarePrototype Consequence Modeling Tool Based Upon the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) Software, C. Pope, B. Byambadorj, C. Hill, E. Lum, B. Nield, and J. Swanson, Idaho State University, September 2014.Download9/1/2014
Enhanced Severe Transient Analysis for Prevention Technical Program Plan, INL/EXT-14- 33228Enhanced Severe Transient Analysis for Prevention Technical Program Plan, INL/EXT-33228Download9/1/2014
Analysis of Pressurized Water Reactor Station Blackout Caused by External Flooding Using the RISMC Toolkit, INL/EXT-14-32906Analysis of Pressurized Water Reactor Station Blackout Caused by External Flooding Using the RISMC Toolkit, INL/EXT-14-32906Download8/1/2014
Survey of Models for Concrete Degradation, INL/EXT-14-32925Survey of Models for Concrete Degradation, INL/EXT-14-32925Download8/1/2014
Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program Case Study for Enhanced Accident Tolerance Design Changes, INL/EXT-14-32355Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program Case Study for Enhanced Accident Tolerance Design Changes, INL/EXT-14-32355Download6/1/2014
Report on Prevention Analysis Trial Method and Case Study Improvements, M3LW-12IN0702012Report on Prevention Analysis Trial Method and Case Study Improvements, D. Blanchard and R. Youngblood, M3LW-12IN0702012Download4/1/2012
Physics-Based Stress Corrosion Cracking Component Reliability Model Cast in an R7-Compatible Cumulative Damage Framework, PNNL-20596Physics-Based Stress Corrosion Cracking Component Reliability Model Cast in an R7-Compatible Cumulative Damage Framework, PNNL- 20596Download7/1/2011
Tools And Methods to Analyze Plant Outage Schedules and Assist Schedulers in Improving Outage Resilience, INL/EXT-24-80380The project explored how power uprates can be achieved by boosting reactor thermal power output and optimizing reactor core design, while ensuring the safety and economic viability of NPPs. Specifically, it will focus on demonstrating the technical and economic feasibility of power uprates in a PWR using low 5-10% enrichment uranium (LEU+) high burnup (HBU) fuel combined with ATF concepts. The project focused on building foundational models and conducting multi-physics performance and safety analyses to support the power uprate.Download09/26/2024

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Risk-Informed Multi-Physics BEPU: Demonstration of LOCA Scenario-Based Reflood Phenomena, INL/EXT-21-64450Risk-Informed Multi-Physics Best-Estimate Plus Uncertainties (BEPU): Demonstration of LOCA Scenario-Based Reflood Phenomena, INL/EXT-21-64450Download9/30/2021
Risk-informed multi-physics best-estimate plus uncertainties (BEPU) application development of RELAP5-3D perturbation model, INL/EXT-20-59594Risk-informed multi-physics best-estimate plus uncertainties (BEPU) application development of RELAP5-3D perturbation model, INL/EXT-20-59594Download8/31/2020

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
Technical Maturity Assessment of MOOSE-Based Tools: MASTODON, BISON and Grizzly, INL/EXT-21-64451Technical Maturity Assessment of MOOSE-Based Tools: MASTODON, BISON and Grizzly, INL/EXT-21-64451Download9/30/2021
Assessment of Verification and Validation Status – EMRALD and HUNTER, INL/EXT-20-59904Assessment of Verification and Validation Status – EMRALD and HUNTER, INL/EXT-20-59904Download9/21/2020
Assessment of verification and validation status – RELAP5-3D and RAVEN, INL/EXT-19-56151Assessment of verification and validation status – RELAP5-3D and RAVEN, INL/EXT-19-56151Download10/1/2019
Advanced Validation Risk-Informed Approach for the Flooding Tool Based Upon Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics – Validation and Development Status of NEUTRINO, INL/EXT-18-44976Advanced Validation Risk-Informed Approach for the Flooding Tool Based Upon Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics – Validation and Development Status of NEUTRINO, INL/EXT-18-44976Download3/18/2018
RELAP-7 Software Verification and Validation Plan RTM Update and Code Verification Strategy, INL/EXT-17-43199RELAP-7 Software Verification and Validation Plan Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) Update and Code Verification Strategy, INL/EXT-17-43199Download9/20/2017

Report TitleBrief NarrativeLinkDate
The CORQUENCH Code for Modeling of Ex-Vessel Corium Coolability under Top Flooding Conditions Code Manual – Version4.1-beta, ANL-18/22The CORQUENCH Code for Modeling of Ex-Vessel Corium Coolability under Top Flooding Conditions Code Manual – Version4.1-beta, ANL-18/22Download8/6/2018
Preliminary Study on the Suitability of a Second-Order Reconstructed Discontinuous Galerkin Method for RELAP-7 Thermal-Hydraulic Modeling, INL/EXT-17-43108Preliminary Study on the Suitability of a Second-Order Reconstructed Discontinuous Galerkin Method for RELAP-7 Thermal-Hydraulic Modeling, INL/EXT-17-43108Download9/20/2017
Status of Adaptive Surrogates within the RAVEN Framework, INL/EXT-17-43438Status of Adaptive Surrogates within the RAVEN Framework, INL/EXT-17-43438Download9/20/2017
Enhancements to Engineering-scale Reactor Pressure Vessel Fracture Capabilities in Grizzly, INL/EXT-17-43427Enhancements to Engineering-scale Reactor Pressure Vessel Fracture Capabilities in Grizzly, INL/EXT-17-43427Download9/18/2017
RELAP-7 Closure Verification Part 1: Vertical Pre-CHF ClosuresRELAP-7 Closure Verification Part 1: Vertical Pre-CHF ClosuresDownload9/18/2017
Modeling of Cu Precipitate Contributions to Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel Microstructure Evolution and Embrittlement, INL/EXT-17-43110Modeling of Cu Precipitate Contributions to Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel Microstructure Evolution and Embrittlement, INL/EXT-17-43110Download8/18/2017
Software Requirements Specification for RELAP-7, INL/EXT-17-41891Software Requirements Specification for RELAP-7, INL/EXT-17-41891Download4/28/2017
RELAP-7 Closure Correlations, INL/EXT-17-41653RELAP-7 Closure Correlations, INL/EXT-17-41653Download4/18/2017
RELAP-7 Closure Model Verification and Benchmarking PlanRELAP-7 Closure Model Verification and Benchmarking PlanDownload3/18/2017
Additional Model Datasets and Results to Accelerate the Verification and Validation of RELAP-7, INL/EXT-16-40577Additional Model Datasets and Results to Accelerate the Verification and Validation of RELAP-7, INL/EXT-16-40577Download11/14/2016
Enhancements of the RAVEN Code in FY16, INL/EXT-16-40094Enhancements of the RAVEN code in FY16, INL/EXT-16-40094Download9/1/2016
Lower Length Scale Model Development for Embrittlement of Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel, INL/EXT-16-40011Lower Length Scale Model Development for Embrittlement of Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel, INL/EXT-16-40011Download9/1/2016
Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics of Reactor Pressure Vessels with Populations of Flaws, INL/EXT-16-40050,Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics of Reactor Pressure Vessels with Populations of Flaws, INL/EXT-16-4005Download9/1/2016
RELAP-7 Theory Manual, INL/EXT-14-31366RELAP-7 Theory Manual, INL/EXT-14-3136.Download6/1/2016
Development of Three-Field Poromechanics Capability in MOOSE, INL/EXT-16-3893Development of Three-Field Poromechanics Capability in MOOSE, M. Sivaselvan, N. Oliveto, A. Whittaker, INL/EXT-16-38931Download4/1/2016
RELAP-7 Pressurizer Component Development Updates, INL/EXT-16-38185RELAP-7 Pressurizer Component Development Updates, INL/EXT-16-38185Download3/1/2016
Grizzly Usage and Theory Manual, INL/EXT-16-38310Grizzly Usage and Theory Manual, INL/EXT-16-38310Download3/1/2016
RAVEN User Manual, INL/EXT-15-34123RAVEN User Manual, INL/EXT-15-34123, Revision 4, C. Rabiti, A. Alfonsi, J. Cogliati, D. Mandelli, R. Kinoshita, S. Sen, C. Wang, February 2016.Download2/1/2016
RAVEN Beta 1.0 Release, INL/EXT-16-37953RAVEN Beta 1.0 Release, INL/EXT-16-37953Download2/1/2016
Grizzly Model of Multi-Species Reactive Diffusion, Moisture/Heat Transfer, and Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete, INL/EXT-15-36425Grizzly Model of Multi-Species Reactive Diffusion, Moisture/Heat Transfer, and Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete, INL-EXT-15-36425Download9/1/2015
RAVEN Quality Assurance Activities, INL/EXT-15-36656RAVEN Quality Assurance Activities,  INL-EXT-15-36656Download9/1/2015
Fracture Capabilities in Grizzly with the Extended Finite Element Method (X-FEM), INL/EXT-15-36752Fracture Capabilities in Grizzly with the eXtended Finite Element Method (X-FEM), INL-EXT-36752Download9/1/2015
Mesoscale Modeling of Solute Precipitation and Radiation Damage, INL/EXT-15-36754Mesoscale modeling of solute precipitation and radiation damage, INL-EXT-15-36754Download9/1/2015
RELAP-7 Development Updates, INL/EXT-15-36763RELAP-7 Development Updates, INL-EXT-36763Download9/1/2015
RELAP-7 Progress Report: FY-2015 Optimization Activities Summary, INL/EXT-15-36771RELAP-7 Progress Report: FY-2015 Optimization Activities Summary, INL-EXT-15-36771Download9/1/2015
Crystal Plasticity Model of Reactor Pressure Vessel Embrittlement in Grizzly, INL/EXT-15-34786Crystal Plasticity Model of Reactor Pressure Vessel Embrittlement in Grizzly, INL/EXT-15-34786Download7/1/2015
Improving Limit Surface Search Algorithms in RAVEN Using Acceleration Schemes, INL/EXT-15-36100Improving Limit Surface Search Algorithms in RAVEN Using Acceleration Schemes. A. Alfonsi, C. Rabiti, D. Mandelli, J. Cogliati, S. Sen, C. Smith, INL-EXT-15-36100, July 2015.Download7/1/2015
Reactor Pressure Vessel Fracture Analysis Capabilities in Grizzly, INL/EXT-15-34736Reactor Pressure Vessel Fracture Analysis Capabilities in Grizzly, INL-EXT-15-34736Download3/1/2015
RAVEN User Manual, INL/EXT-15-34123RAVEN User Manual, INL/EXT-15-34123Download3/1/2015
RELAP-7 Theory Manual, INL/EXT-14-31366RELAP-7 Theory Manual, INL/EXT-14-31366Download12/1/2014
RELAP-7 User Guide, INL/EXT-14-33977RELAP-7 User Guide, INL/EXT-14-33977Download12/1/2014
Developing Fully Coupled Subchannel Model in RELAP-7, INL/EXT-14-33102Developing Fully Coupled Subchannel Model in RELAP-7,  INL/EXT-14-33102Download9/1/2014
RELAP-7 Software Verification and Validation Plan, INL/EXT-14-33201RELAP-7 Software Verification and Validation Plan, INL/EXT-14-33201Download9/1/2014
Grizzly Status Report, INL/EXT-14-33251Grizzly Status Report, INL/EXT-14-33251Download9/1/2014
3D J-Integral Capability in Grizzly, INL/EXT-14-332573D J-Integral Capability in Grizzly, INL/EXT-14-33257Download9/1/2014
RELAP-7 Numerical Stabilization: Entropy Viscosity Method, INL/EXT-14-32352RELAP-7 Numerical Stabilization: Entropy Viscosity Method, INL/EXT-14-32352Download6/1/2014
Grizzly Year-End Progress Report, INL/EXT-13-30316Grizzly Year-End Progress Report, INL/EXT-13-30316Download9/1/2013
Support and Modeling for the Boiling Water Reactor Station Black Out Case Study Using RELAP and RAVEN INL/EXT-13-30203Support and Modeling for the Boiling Water Reactor Station Black Out Case Study Using RELAP and RAVEN, INL/EXT-13-30203Download9/1/2013
Modeling of Late Blooming Phases and Precipitation Kinetics in Aging Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Steels, INL/EXT-13-30267Modeling of Late Blooming Phases and Precipitation Kinetics in Aging Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Steels, INL/EXT-13-30267Download9/1/2013
Technical Approach and Results from the Fuels Pathway Technical Approach and Results from the Fuels Pathway Download9/1/2013
RELAP-7 Simulation Resolving an SBO Scenario on a Simplified Geometry of a BWR, INL/EXT-13-29887RELAP-7 Simulation Resolving an SBO Scenario on a Simplified Geometry of a BWR, INL/EXT-13-29887Download8/1/2013
Technical Basis Guide Describing How to Perform Safety Margin Configuration Risk Management, INL/EXT-13-30019Technical Basis Guide Describing How to Perform Safety Margin Configuration Risk Management, INL/EXT-13-30019Download8/1/2013
RELAP-7: Demonstrating the Integration of Two-phase Flow Components for an Ideal BWR Loop, INL/EXT-13-29514RELAP-7: Demonstrating the Integration of Two-phase Flow Components for an Ideal BWR Loop, INL/EXT-13-29514Download6/1/2013
Implementation of Changes to the EONY Model to Account for Extended Service Conditions and Late Blooming Phases for Reactor Pressure Vessel SteelsImplementation of Changes to the EONY Model to Account for Extended Service Conditions and Late Blooming Phases for Reactor Pressure Vessel SteelsDownload5/1/2013
RELAP-7: Demonstrating Seven-Equation, Two-Phase Flow Simulation in a Single-Pipe, Two-Phase Reactor Core and Steam Separator/Dryer, INL/EXT-13-28750RELAP-7: Demonstrating Seven-Equation, Two-Phase Flow Simulation in a Single-Pipe, Two-Phase Reactor Core and Steam Separator/Dryer, INL/EXT-13-28750Download4/1/2013
A Proof of Concept: Grizzly, the LWRS Program Materials Aging and Degradation Pathway Main Simulation ToolA Proof of Concept: Grizzly, the LWRS Program Materials Aging and Degradation Pathway Main Simulation ToolDownload9/1/2012
Risk Informed Safety Margin Characterization (RISMC), Advanced Test Reactor Demonstration Case Study, INL/EXT-12-27015Risk Informed Safety Margin Characterization (RISMC), Advanced Test Reactor Demonstration Case Study, INL/EXT-12-27015Download8/1/2012